Allison Hammond has praised the changes that have taken place this year following the deaths of Black Lives Matter and George Floyd – marking a change in attitudes towards racism as a ‘movement’.
The TV favorite appeared this morning to talk about his new documentary, Back to School, where he looks at the hidden black figures of British history.
Talking to Holly Wilboby and Philip Schofield, Ellison revealed that he was shocked to learn how many black people were involved in history, learning that they went as far back as the Tudor era, but never wrote about it.
But now he feels the tide is changing, and thinks lockdowns are happening and the death of George Floyd in May has encouraged people to learn the importance of black history, with the rise of the Black Lives Matter, will help the movement.
She explained: ‘I think it was a big part of the whole lockdown, the fact that everyone is listening now, and everyone wants to hear, and everyone wants to hear different voices.
‘I definitely feel like there’s no movement, there’s shaking, and I’m happy with that. I really am. ‘
‘I think people are listening there are still people who are a little reluctant, and that’s okay,’ he said of the people knocking against the Black Lives Matter.
‘It’s okay to be a little reluctant because sometimes, you know that when you set foot in a stranger, he’ll be a little scared. That’s scary for some people, and that’s okay.
‘We’ve got to give people some time.’
That moment went viral, but reflecting on the call he made in the studio while in lockdown, Allison insists there was a bigger story that was more important.
He said, ‘I never wanted that moment to be about me because it really wasn’t.’ ‘This horrible thing happened to this man, he died.
‘But his name will change a lot and a lot has changed. He happened this moment.
‘I’ll be honest with you, would I make a documentary if I weren’t for George RJ Floyd? I don’t think I will. ‘
Allison Hammond: Back at 9pm the school airs on ITV.
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