Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) sees progress in the fight against global warming at the outcome of the United Nations Climate Conference in Glasgow. Government spokesman Stephen Seibert said on Monday that the final announcement signals a clear direction, namely the global end of fossil fuel energy supplies.
There is reason to be optimistic that for the first time in the history of the World Climate Conference, there has been a consensus among 200 or so countries. It is a leading sign internationally. The global exit from coal has been designed and the route is irreversible.
The conference had some very encouraging results, Seibert said. This includes the commitment of all states to the 1.5° target or the Coalition for Climate-Friendly Air Traffic, as well as an agreement on stronger climate protection between the United States and China.
The deciding factor now will be the implementation. “We have to move even more decisively with climate protection nationally and globally,” said Ciberto.
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At the end of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Scotland, 200 or more of the countries involved agreed to phase out coal. It was also said that global emissions of climate-damaging greenhouse gases would drop by 45 percent in this decade if the 1.5-degree limit were to be reached – that is, a global warming of 1.5 degrees compared to pre-industrial times.
From the point of view of climate expert Johannes Kalmann, the climate summit did not bring the necessary radical change.
[Lesen Sie mehr: Wie geht es weiter nach der Klimakonferenz? – Für den Kohleausstieg wird Deutschland einen langen Atem brauchen (T+) ]
The meeting was a success “from a technical standpoint” but was not a big hit in terms of “do we really get the curve”, the director of water-related climate issues at the World Meteorological Organization in Geneva told Catholic News. agency on Monday.
Based on resolutions passed in Glasgow, global warming can be expected to be around 2 degrees; Provided that the obligations are fully fulfilled. Emission figures were also based not on actual measurements, but on estimates.
The 1.5 Degrees slogan was politically motivated and “window dressing really,” Kallman said. Limiting the global rise in temperature to this value can no longer be followed, “we have already gone too far”. (dpa, kna)