Home Top News Scotland-Italy 52-10, Azzurri shut down six countries with fifth knockout BlogSicily

Scotland-Italy 52-10, Azzurri shut down six countries with fifth knockout BlogSicily

Scotland-Italy 52-10, Azzurri shut down six countries with fifth knockout BlogSicily

EDINBURGH (Scotland) (ITALPRESS) – Italragubi shut out a Six Nations to forget it with a fifth defeat in six games. On the lawn of Murrayfield, Edinburgh, Scotland, Franco Smith’s XV fails to avoid the eleventh wooden spoon in its history, the sixth in a row: the Highlanders are actually pitted for 52-10, for the 32nd consecutive knockout In the tournament condemning Azurri. Nevertheless, it is Azurri who starts with his head and goes through the British maginot line at 6 a.m. with Captain Biggie. Garbissi exerts itself in the transition phase and is served 0–4. Scotland pays with the same coin and draws the score at 10 ‘with Cherry, but without finding additional points for Hoag. The Scottish captain remade himself in the 13th minute, converting precisely the target of Van der Merv, who gets the accolade and then misses without worry. Italy struggles in defense and at the age of 19, following a spot by Garbisi, they find themselves even less with the man, who is short for a yellow card sent by Mori for an illegal tack. Scotland took advantage of the opportunity and made three changes at the age of 21 with Graham (the hog does not change). The Blues tries to break out of the British grip but, at the age of 28 ‘, it is up to Jones to fly towards the white line. The opening of the house hits the AC for 24–10 with the match going on hiatus. At the start of the second half, Scotland pushed forward Gary, hitting the big target with Cherry, who gets his brace using Maul’s work. The hog hits the goalpost and it is late night for Italy, also because at 11 ′ Yellow repeatedly comes on Negri for a series of ferryers. Townsend replaces the entire front line and the music does not change, as Steele is celebrating at 14 and the Hogs participate in football with precision. Moral: For the 38-10 Highlanders, who find themselves with dual superiority for a card given to Ioane to tack on the Hog at 20 ‘. Italy, in practice, is ripped again by Johnson and van der Merwe. Hogg knows his stuff and the final 52-10 seems like a tough lesson for the Azzurri.


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