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SNP News: ‘We Want You to Stay’ After Scottish Independence, the result collapsed politics

SNP News: ‘We Want You to Stay’ After Scottish Independence, the result collapsed politics

Alex Salmond warns against “international action” for independence

The SNP and Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon will step up their campaign for independence if the ruling political party wins a majority in the country’s elections on 6 May. Boris Johnson refused to give Horrod appropriate authority for the second independence referendum, arguing that the first vote in 2014 was a “once in a generation” event. An Opinium for Observer poll of 2,006 adults for April 8-9 found that six out of ten (57%) thought it likely that Scotland would vote to leave Britain in the next five years, just over a quarter. 26 percent) is unlikely to believe it.

Opinium’s Associate Director Adam Drummond revealed that there was a good chance that the SNP would win a majority in the election and that most people in every UK country think Scottish independence could come soon, “We want the rest of you Stay “The Union is declining.

Ahead of the Scottish independence referendum in 2014, around two-thirds of people in England and Wales reported that they wanted Scotland to remain part of the UK.

But in the most recent polling, only a third (33%) opposed Scotland becoming independent.

Mr Drummond said: ‘Our recent Scottish poll showed a high chance of SNP majority, with most people in every country in the UK now thinking that there is a possibility that Scotland will vote to be independent in the near future, but this has not been the case. Strong ‘We Want You To Stay’ results from the rest of Britain.

A new survey has found that the number of people who became part of Scotland Britain has declined (Image: GETTY)

Nikola Sturgeon Freedom

Nicola Sturgeon continues her campaign for Scottish independence (Image: GETTY)

“In September 2014, just before the referendum, 63% of people in England and Wales told Opinium that they wanted Scotland to vote to stay in the UK.

“As of April 2021, only 33% said they oppose Scottish independence (albeit in a slightly structured question differently), but it is an indicator of how highly publicized the topic has been over seven years. Has been impacted. ” Rest of Britain. “

A separate Savant Comcom for the newspaper Scotland on Sunday, for those over the age of 1600, found that support and opposition to Scottish independence was about 50/50 split.

Poll results show that support for independence is 50 per cent when ‘don’t know’ responses are excluded – support for Scotland which is part of the UK.

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Boris Johnson Freedom

Boris Johnson rejected all SNP demands for a second independence referendum (image: GETTY)

More than half of those polled (53%) said there should be another referendum on independence in the next five years, with just under a fifth (19%) of those who believe it to be in the following year needed.

But Poole also indicated that the Scots believed freedom was not yet a priority.

Half of them said the economy was one of the biggest problems ‘Scotland faces’, followed by health (45%) and employment and well-being (35%).

Education was one of the most important shows under only a third (31% of people), with 25% opting for Brexit.

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Alex Salmond Freedom

Alex Saland’s party may contest Scottish elections, Poll says (image: GETTY)

Scottish Elections John Curtis

Sir John Curtis said the elections suggested that the SNP’s dream of independence was not greatly affected (image: GETTY)

But only 19% chose Scottish independence, which was at its lowest level in Scotland in the recent elections held on Sunday.

The opinion poll suggested that the SNP would win 64 seats – less than the majority they are aiming to pursue their independence plans:

He predicted that 10 pro-independence Scottish Green MSPs would be elected, but the Alba party led by former Prime Minister Alex Salmond would vote just 3% of the regional list votes and win no seats.

An SNP majority was supported in the May 6 election as the best term for a second independence referendum, with 27% voting, followed by a 14% vote by the SNP and the Green Scots coalition. did.

Only nine percent thought a minority SNP government would be the best term for a referendum, seven percent said the SNP and Alba should merge, and six percent would be the best term, including the Greens.

Writing for the Voting Scotland Think website, polling expert Sir John Curtis said: “Truly it seems that not only are the opposition’s hopes of bringing down the Prime Minister in Salmond’s case, but it is not realized.

“But also that the controversy has done little or no harm to the popularity of the nationalist movement, or in particular its chief spokesperson.

“It is perhaps not surprising that an issue that some believe may have dominated the election campaign has now fallen completely off the political agenda.”

Sir John said the initial elections after Mr Salmond’s return are “not encouraging” almost seven years later.

He said: “At this time, even though he manages to hold elections in Holyrode, the former Prime Minister is at risk of finding himself alone in the new chamber.”


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