The UK is taking a weekend getaway due to Storm Alex as there is a risk of torrential rain, powerful gale and flooding.
Winds of up to 65 MPF can be seen in parts of the UK, as cold and windy conditions will form after the French storm.
The Met Office Fees warns that the south coast areas of England will be most affected, while others are at risk of flooding.
Named by Matteo-France – the autumn spell will begin when Alex arrives from the continent today.
The yellow weather warning for wind and rain is accompanied by flooding in most parts of southern England during the day and delays in travel from the coast to the coast of Kent.
Steve Ramsdale, chief meteorologist at Met Office Fees, called the forecast a “tragic weekend” and warned of gales between 60 and 65 mph along the coastal fronts before the second band of wet weather arrives for most of the country’s wetlands.
Mr Ramsdale added: “Later on Friday, due to strong winds and rain associated with Storm Alex away from Britain, another low pressure system is moving from the east to the UK, with much more heavy rain and strong winds over the weekend.”
The rains have already become uncomfortable for commuters and have hampered road conditions. The Devon and Cornwall Road Policing Team tweeted a photo of Redruth’s car that crashed in treacherous weather.
‘Please adjust your driving style for the weather. One vehicle has already lost control and collided with obstacles. Better late than never, ‘said the team.
The second yellow weather warning for rain includes Wales, most of central and southern England, and the whole of Scotland off the east coast from 3am on Saturday to 6pm on Sunday evening.
More than 100 mm of rain is expected in parts of Wales, south-west England and eastern Scotland during this period, which the Met Office says could be at risk of flooding and landslides as well as dangerous driving conditions.
His concerns were echoed by the Environmental Agency, which said: “Heavy rains on Friday will bring surface water to the south of England and possibly flooding in some rivers.”
‘More widespread river and surface water floods are expected over the weekend due to more widespread and persistent heavy rains in much of England.
‘We urge people to stay away from swollen rivers and not drive despite flood waters, they are often deeper than they seem and flowing water is only 30 cm. Enough to swim your car. ‘
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