Home Top News 6 Tips to improve your home’s exterior  

6 Tips to improve your home’s exterior  

6 Tips to improve your home’s exterior  

Most commonly, for many people, the inside of their home is their main priority. People spend hours or days renovating the inside of their home that very little, or no attention is paid to their home’s exterior. With this being the first thing people see before entering your living space, it is important to ensure that the exterior of your home is far from outdated. We are going to share a few tips on how to keep the outside of your home up to date and presentable for your visitors and passer-by’s.

  1. Replace the roof

A new roof can have several benefits. Although some may only see the visible benefits such as the new colours, tiles, slate, and textures that can be replaced, replacing your roof also has financial and health benefits. First off, replacing your roof can add extra value to your home and the return on investment is proven to reach at least over 60%. As well as this, money is likely to be saved on heating as insulation is likely to be topped up when the roof is being renovated, meaning less heat is likely to leave the house in the colder months. With a new roof instalment, the chances of leaks are unlikely meaning the chances of mould build-up are low, this, in turn, means there will be no damaging toxins in the air that are likely to affect the home owner’s health.

  1. Replace the home’s windows

Run-down, beaten-up window frames can seriously depreciate the value and perception of your home, after all, they are at eye level. It is important to choose the right style of windows that incorporate with the style of the outside of your home. The cost of windows depends on the size and shape of the windows so that is one thing to consider when improving your home’s exterior.

  1. Aerial replacement

If you are thinking of replacing your roof, then the next step would be to take a look at your TV aerial, which may need to be replaced too. Installing an aerial is no easy task, so to ensure the job is done right, find yourself an experienced engineer. The engineers at mikeharrisaerialandsatellite.co.uk would be more than happy to help to give your roof the revamp it needs by installing a new aerial or satellite to the highest standard.

  1. Convert the garage

Converting the garage gives a homeowner some extra living space quickly. The process of a garage conversion is not a lengthy process compared to moving home or adding on a home extension and is also less expensive so many homeowners opt for this choice for these reasons. As many people dismiss their garage space and use it as a place to dump unwanted or unused items until they may need them again, converting the garage ultimately adds extra living space to your home and allows adequate use of an area that was once used for nothing.

  1. Replace the door

Much like the windows of your home, the door also remains at eye level of yourself and your guests. As it sits at the front of your home, it is important to ensure that your door looks clean, undamaged, and free of any cracks or worn-down wood. When replacing, whether it be your front or back door, it is advised to replace both the door and the door frame. This ensures they both look as new as each other and they lock in with each other correctly. It is also important to make sure that the door and frame you select are modern and up to date. For example, if you have purchased a newer home, but replace the door a few years later with an outdated and older style, this may have the potential to devalue the home or make the home look older than it is.

  1. Property value increased

Overall, the final and main benefit of improving your home’s exterior is the revitalisation of your home. If you ever go to sell your home in the future, the fact that there have been recent improvements made on the property will be brilliant for resale and attracting future buyers. As issues are eliminated regarding future problems the buyer may experience with the house, the owners can add on extra value reassuring both themselves and future owner.


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