Why Malvar Hills remained in Tier 2 even though the coronavirus rate matched with Tier 1 Herefordshire

Why Malvar Hills remained in Tier 2 even though the coronavirus rate matched with Tier 1 Herefordshire

The number of hospital patients suffering from coronavirus and the likelihood of malware increase in the 60s.

There was disappointment when Malver Hills did not follow neighboring Herefordshire in the lowest range of bans earlier this week.

The region has consistently had the lowest coronavirus rate in the country – and currently has 59.7 cases per 100,000 people, up from 55 per 100,000 in Herefordshire.

It was the only area in England to move from Tier 2 to Tier 1 in England, connected to Isle W f White – current rate 21.2 per 100,000 – and Cornwall and Isles les f Seeley, which rate is 30.4 per 100,000.

West Worcestershire MP Harriet Baldwin said she was “disappointed” that the Malvar district had not been moved to Tier 1 – as neighboring Harfordshire had been given lower coronavirus rates.

She tweeted: “Disappointing that Mavern Hills, next to Herefordshire, is kept in Tier 2 despite similar rates.

“I spoke with the Minister of Public Health and his team. That is due to the increase in the number of patients at Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust and the high percentage of cases over 60.”

Statistics from the government’s Coronavirus Dashboard show that the coronavirus rate in Worcestershire over the age of 60, was 95.5 on 12 December – 67.7 on 7 December.

Worcestershire generally saw an increase in coronavirus rates after the second lockdown eased, statistics show. The rate also increased in the 0 to 59 age group, from 90.8 cases per 100,000 on December 7 to 100,000 per 139 on December 12.

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Worcestershire had a rolling rate of 126.4 cases per 100,000 people from the week to December. Which is 100,000 per week from the week to 5 December.9 cases. cases was the case.

Worcestershire Live County recorded 45 areas with the biggest increase in the Brussesgrove district, which saw an increase in rates. Now five of the six districts have seen an increase in rates.

Upon admission to the hospital, NHS England registered 107 covid patients at Worcestershire Acute Hospital sites by 15 December, five of whom were on mechanical ventilators.

There were more than 100 patients of Covid-19 in beds in acute hospitals for a week – a steady increase in the number during October and November.

On 1 October October, there were 12 covid patients who were occupying a critical hospital bed.


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