AAA wanted for residents of a remote island in Scotland (populated by only 40 people)

AAA wanted for residents of a remote island in Scotland (populated by only 40 people)

Who dares to go to a remote island indefinitely? There is definitely someone who appreciates loneliness and social distance. RumThe largest of the small islands of the Inner Hebrides in Scotland is looking for tourists for life: those who want to start a new life, away from the larger centers.

to attract New residents (Currently residents are about 40, ed.), Kinloch Village is building four eco-houses with two bedrooms ready to rent at controlled prices to those who want to work on the island: at the moment we Looking for qualified people to help. Children, food production, housekeeping, fisheries and tourism. But anyone who wants to open new businesses or help diversify the local economy is welcome. Those who wish to apply can send their application Island landmarks.

Rum has an ancient history: it was acquired in 1957 by the Nature Conservancy, which became a wildlife sanctuary of a colony of deer, wild goats, ponies, white-tailed eagles, and 120,000 Atlantic shearwaters. Earlier, it was named Rhum (with h), a version invented by former owner Sir George Bulow, who disliked the title of Laird of Rum because he did not want to add his name in any way to the intoxicating beverages. . Son, John Bulogh built Kinloch Castle, now converted into a hostel. At the time, John Bulogh, a very wealthy cotton producer, had about 100 people in his service, including only 14 gardeners. The tennis court, squash court, tortoise farm, aviary, all had a large golf course to be carefully maintained.

Today the only inhabited center is Kinloch. There is only one shop, a local art shop, a post office. There are no churches or pubs, but a small café to welcome some residents (most of whom are scholars).

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