Joe Biden inaugurated: Will Trump fly to Scotland?

Joe Biden inaugurated: Will Trump fly to Scotland?

Joe Biden inaugurated
Is Trump just flying to Scotland?

In the United States, Trump left his fellow citizens, which he was actually doing on January 20, the day he handed over to his successor, Biden. Does he traditionally attend the ceremony? Or is he going to Scotland? A newspaper there has identified its signs.

The fact that US President Donald Trump has politely congratulated his successor Joe Biden on January 20 seems difficult to imagine – as it is about electoral fraud. But what does he do instead? A Scottish newspaper has now reported that Trump may spend the day in Scotland. “Sunday post“Reported that an American government aircraft was expected at Prestwick Airport near Glasgow on 19 January, located very close to Trump’s Turnberry Golf Course.

The newspaper in the airport cites anonymous sources. Accordingly, an American military Boeing 757 should land there, which Trump had also used “occasionally” in the past. More often, however, the machine took on Vice President Mike Pence and First Lady Melania Trump. Earlier, a special aircraft of the US Air Force is said to have made three-dimensional measurements for a week on Trump’s golf course. In addition, two reconnaissance aircraft were spotted there in November. The report states that Trump is traveling there, a sign. The newspaper reports that Trump should actually come to Scotland and visit his golf club. Because it is closed due to the epidemic.

The only response from the White House was that Trump had not yet decided what to do on January 20. In fact, everything has already been decided: it has long been a tradition for the outgoing US president to attend the inauguration of his successor. This is part of the peaceful handover that is part of democracy. In the United States, it is also common for losers and conquerors to meet before the ceremony and drive together to the Capitol, where swearing takes place. But since Trump refused to lose, it’s hard to imagine that he would actually stand in peace while Biden takes the oath of office.

There was previously speculation that Trump might announce a new candidacy for 2024 on the presidential plane, Air Force One. Others fear Trump may refuse to leave the White House and have to be ejected by security officials. When asked about it in December, he said he would leave the government seat very well.

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