In Scotland, a filmed police intervention is controversial – RT en français

In Scotland, a filmed police intervention is controversial - RT en français

In Aberdeen, a police intervention in a residence whose residents were allegedly in violation of preventive measures. The scene was filmed and aired on social media.

At around 11:20 pm on 6 January, police intervened in a house in the third largest city of Scotland, Aberdeen, to approve a family who allegedly did not respect the imprisonment measures. The intervention escalated when a police officer refused to leave the house. There was a stampede and shouting and the person filming the scene was brought to the ground by an officer.

according to this Daily mailPolice are said to have intervened following a report of neighbors complaining of “a lot of people” in a residence on Fongront Road. British organization Look big brother The man who fights for civil liberties claims that the woman’s daughter, who appears in the video, was ill, and was just released from the hospital. Three residents were arrested for contempt of an officer.

All of Scotland has been in the red zone since 26 December – with the exception of a few islands. Applicable rules With rare exceptions, it is forbidden to invite a single person at home.

With over 78,000 dead, the United Kingdom is one of the countries in Europe most bereaved by Kovid-19 and the trend has worsened in recent weeks. The pollution published every day exceeded 50,000, and even exceeded 60,000 on 5th and 6th January.

See also  Scottish prime minister promises referendum 'when the time comes'


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