World Earth Day will be experienced online with a very long live stream – Critical Mass

World Earth Day will be experienced online with a very long live stream - Critical Mass

For the second consecutive year due to the current health emergency, the celebration of the Fiftieth Earth Day in Italy (April 22) will not be held in person but only through the use of digital technologies.

And so the initiative is being taken #OnePeopleOnePlanetInstead of gathering thousands of people in the village for the Earth of Villa Borguez in Rome, it would evolve through 13 hours of live streaming on Raipel. It will start at 7.30pm and end on day 20.30, a program that is very rich in proposals and suggestions related to environmental sustainability issues and with many connections to Rai TV and radio broadcasts. Celebration of World Earth Day via streaming, if on the one hand it involves a great indifference to the events of participation in attendance, on the other hand it allows for greater interaction by the audience, comfortably sitting on their couch and Who will be able to ask questions. , Views and opinions for various guests and direct river shows.

There are several issues that will be addressed on the opinion streaming platform. First, we’ll talk a lot about young people who have been at the forefront of the environmental sustainability fight for years, driven by Friday for Future and conceived by Greta Thunberg. In fact two places are dedicated to the youngest: “Youth for the Earth” and “Children will save the world”. The first is envisaged as a moment that takes stock of the many ecological activities and events in which Italian teenagers are seen and not only as heroes and where to prepare for Youth 4, strongly Italian Wanted by the government which will take over next autumn. , With reference to COP 26 in Glasgow, the Italian-British Climate Conference which will take place in Scotland from 1 to 12 November 2021. Ecological Transition Minister Roberto Singolani will also speak on the subject. Instead the second place will be devoted to scientific dissemination in the name of entertainment, so that children can be more easily involved in ecological debate, which is especially important nowadays. On the other hand, with the “bridge towards 2030”, the space will be given to a series of intercontinental connections (Brazil, Democratic Republic of Congo, United States) of more or less known some hero’s monumental effort to make sustainable. Initiative (“hero” as defined by the organizers of the event). A global mission but based on similar assumptions.

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The topic of the relationship between ecology and food will also be addressed in place of “Sustainable Food”. Wastage of food and energy and proper nutrition are deeply felt issues in today’s society, which will be discussed in depth in this panel. On the other hand, the sections “VIP-Very Very Planetary” and “7 Words of Sport” are such, most of which will see the direct participation of many celebrities from the world of music and sports respectively. There will also be discussion on innovation and implementing new economic strategies to respond to increasingly urgent ecological needs for our planet. In this case, the “innovation” section is devoted entirely to the ways in which, through innovation, it will be possible to get out of the global crisis we have been experiencing for many months, also based on ecological and digital transition strategies Implemented by several governments (including the Italian one) in recent years. The “Third Economy” section would instead be devoted to stability in the economic sector. The latest major issues brought to the platform by #OnePeopleOnePlanet include the “Scientific (E) Crazy” and “Global Education Pact” panels. The first is devoted to the often complex relationship between ecology and scientific initiatives in the field of irresponsible and unproductive personal behaviors, the second was launched by Pope Francis in September 2019, in which the pontiff identified education (ecology), one The main way to create a more just and peaceful world.

In short, the #OnePeopleOnePlanet Streaming Marathon, to be held on Rypel on Earth Day April 22, will be the icing on the cake of the day celebrated everywhere and in many ways, as demonstrated by the school’s heavy participation in the initiative. Relates to ‘Earth Day 2021’.

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