Zoom launches additional innovations on the platform

Zoom launches additional innovations on the platform

Zoom recently announced the availability of two of its most important innovations: Zoom Apps and Zoom Events for users. Apps are third-party apps that provide a whole new level of collaboration, productivity and entertainment. Events is an all-in-one platform that allows users to create a wide range of interactive and immersive virtual events for the hybrid workforce and beyond.

The launch of Zoom Apps expands the range of the Zoom application sector, which already hosts over 1,500 third-party software. Zoom already offers several particularly useful apps today, and is developing many more. Among them you can find many popular and useful applications:

Asana: An application that allows you to host purposeful meetings with the ability to create a list of tasks in the meeting beforehand and define the next steps for working together. You can create, edit, and assign tasks without even leaving the Zoom session.

  • Dot Collector: An app that allows anyone in a meeting to share their point of view through real-time feedback and surveys. The app helps create more comprehensive collaboration, transparency and meaningful relationships among colleagues.
  • Dropbox Space: Zoom session participants will now be able to update before, during and after a session by collaborating in real time on a shared workspace.
  • Conscious! : A fun and funny game created by the popular TV presenter Alan DeGeneres. The game is especially suitable for formation between employees or friends, and is a fun way to spend time with coworkers while waiting for meetings to begin.
  • Wellness that Works: Developed by Weight Watchers: The app helps users move more, eat better and improve their health as it includes standing and stretching, monitoring daily water intake, thinking Includes tools for improvisation and alerts for preparing quick and easy recipes.
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Zoom Events is an all-in-one platform that gives organizations the ability to create hybrid and virtual experiences. Zoom Events allows businesses to seamlessly manage and host one-on-one events – from sales events, customer events and exhibitions to in-house events. The platform offers features such as an ‘event centre’, dedicated business event space, customizable event registration and connections with colleagues through a chat-friendly lobby.

OnZoom is a focused solution for Zoom consumers, helping brands and small businesses reach consumer audiences by creating, hosting and generating financial profit from fitness and cooking classes, theater performances and other events. OnZoom will currently be in beta and will serve as a place for small businesses and entrepreneurs to host and post events in Zoom’s public events directory.

Eric S. says, “I am excited to see the vision we have set for our platform through the Zoom app and Zoom events as the world embraces new work areas that empower the workforce today and into the future. makes.” Yuan, founder and CEO of Zoom, said, “These innovations will improve the way we connect and collaborate with coworkers, friends, family and others, while improving productivity and collaboration and adding elements of fun and quality of life.” Will maintain.”


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