Contact restrictions in Scotland, Wales and …

Contact restrictions in Scotland, Wales and ...

/Picture Alliance, Ampix, Jane Barlow

Due to the rapid spread of the Edinburgh/Cardiff Omicron variant, strict contact restrictions came into force in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on Boxing Day.

In Wales only six people are allowed in pubs and restaurants, in Scotland large events are only a short distance away and a few hundred spectators are allowed.

As of today, Scots are allowed to meet in groups of up to three houses; In Northern Ireland, meetings are also limited to a few people.

The Omicron edition, long dominated by Scotland and England, has seen the number of cases skyrocket across the country. An overload of the health system and staff shortages in critical businesses are feared.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who sets coronavirus policy for much of the British part of England, has been reluctant to introduce strict measures despite a record number of new infections. This is also because he is under a lot of pressure from his own party supporters, who strongly oppose Coronama. dpa /

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