The mystery of sheep walking in circles may be solved

The mystery of sheep walking in circles may be solved

Since the beginning of November, the process of arrival of sheep is not taking the name of stopping. really amazing pictures Hundreds of sheep moving in a circle without interruption and in a circle close to perfection Has traveled the world.

When the owner of the sheep shed, the farmer, who was the only farmer affected by the incident, realized this, the media quickly took up the matter without finding out the reason for the strange episode.

Some veterinarians had mentioned the possibility of a bacterial infection called listeriosis, which causes the animals to run in circles. While the sheep make their rounds, the bacteria cause inflammation in the brain and die a few days later.

Some time ago, a professor specializing in agriculture at a university in the United Kingdom put forward a new theory. In fact, according to Matt Bell, sheep may be under the influence of stress after prolonged confinement in an enclosure that is too narrow for herding.

The sheep thus develop a stereotyped behavior that is being followed by others, gradually increasing the awkward animal cycle.

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