Boris Johnson under pressure to fire an aide for the reported blocking violation

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Dominic Cummings off Downing Street.

Boris Johnson is under pressure to fire his main aide after it is reported that he and his wife have violated the UK blockade by traveling through England to be with his parents while showing coronavirus symptoms.

Dominic Cummings drove over 260 miles (420 km) from London to Durham, where he stayed with family members a few days after Johnson blocked the UK and banned visits to the family, an investigation conducted by The Guardian is Daily mirror found.

Police confirmed that they frequented a property in the area and spoke to an individual about the UK blockade rules on March 31, according to PA Media. Downing Street declined to comment.

“If (the media reports are) accurate, the prime minister’s chief adviser appears to have violated the blocking rules. The government’s leadership was very clear: staying at home and not traveling non-essential,” said a spokesman for the government. Labor Party.

“The British people don’t expect there to be one rule for them and another for Dominic Cummings. Number 10 must provide a very quick explanation for his actions.”

Scottish National Party and Liberal Democrat leaders invited Cummings, who played a leading role in the pro-Brexit campaign in 2016 and joined Boris Johnson on Downing Street last year, to resign or be fired.

And David Lidington, Theresa May’s deputy, while he was prime minister, said to the BBC: “There are clearly serious questions that Number 10 will have to face, not least because of the readiness of members of the public to follow government guidelines in general. he’s going to be influenced by this kind of story. “

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Coronavirus restrictions in the UK have made it clear that people should not visit any other families, including second homes or family homes, and should not make non-essential trips.

“You shouldn’t visit family members who don’t live in your house,” said the rules. “You should stay in touch with them using phone calls or video calls.”

The country’s self-isolation guide also states that if a person has symptoms of Covid-19, they must not leave their home for seven days.

On April 25, Mary Wakefield, Cummings’ wife, wrote a column in The Spectator magazine about the couple’s experience with Covid-19, but he made no mention of traveling outside the capital.

“My husband rushed home to take care of me,” he wrote in the piece. “After the uncertainty of the bug itself, we emerged from the quarantine into the almost comical uncertainty of the London blockade,” he added.

Cummings showed symptoms shortly after Johnson revealed that he had tested positive for coronavirus. The PM later spent a short period in intensive care with the virus. He repeatedly invited people to stay home.

Neil Ferguson, an important epidemiologist who recommended the UK government on his coronavirus response, he was forced to resign earlier this month after it emerged he also broke the blocking rules.

Scottish first medical officer Catherine Calderwood also left her position last month after being photographed by a Scottish newspaper near her family’s second home in another part of the country at her Edinburgh address.


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