Crypto Company Accidentally Transferred $10.5 Million To Woman, Ignored It Until Seven Months Later

Crypto Company Accidentally Transferred $10.5 Million To Woman, Ignored It Until Seven Months Later

In May last year, cryptocurrency platform mistakenly transferred $10.5 million to an Australian woman while processing a $100 refund and only seven days later noticed her mistake. It was not until December 2021 that the company in question learned that it had transferred fortunes by mistake.

A employee actually had to reimburse this Australian woman one hundred dollars. But due to typing error, the employee must have sent more than one million to his account.

When the company came to know about the pot of roses, it took legal action and froze the account in question. Meanwhile, most of the money had already been transferred to other accounts, which were then frozen.

Attempts to serve the woman with the freezing order failed, as she never responded to emails from lawyers. The only communication provided to the court was an e-mail response, “Well received, thanks.”

During this entire time, the Australian has offered homes worth $1.35 million, or 925,000 euros. According to The Guardian, it is now being forced to sell assets as quickly as possible to repay The interest amount and various costs of $27,369.64 are also required to be repaid.

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