Mysterious ultraviolet and energy The powerful light of Raj, more powerful than the sun emitted, has been seen in the galaxy for the first time.
Known as Fast Radio Bursts (FRB), this High-intensity emissions usually last only a fraction of a second.
FRBs were first discovered in 2007 but they are far from clear where they originated.
But researchers say their most recently discovered radio flares are the closest FRB known to date and come from an astronomical project called a magnet arrow about 300,000 light-years from Earth.
Magnetars are a kind of neutron star with a powerful magnetic field – only a few of which are believed to be present in the galaxy.
Physicists had previously speculated that magnets might produce FRBs but there is no evidence to prove that.
Kyoshi Masui, an assistant professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the U.S., who led the team that analyzed FRB’s luminosity, said: ‘The great mystery is what this energy stimulus produces yet. We have seen it coming from half of the entire universe.
“This is the first time we’ve been able to tie in with a single astrophysical object from one of these foreign high-speed radio explosions.”
The findings, published in three separate papers in the journal Nature, were drawn from an international team of more than 50 researchers.
Astronomers used five telescopes to receive signals from magnets at the center of the galaxy, known as SGR 1935 + 2154.
It has two ground-based radio telescopes – the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) and the Survey for Tragedy Astronomical Radio Action 2 (STARE2) – and three X-ray telescopes, including the European Space Agency’s INTEGRAL Space Telescope.
The researchers said they first observed X-ray explosions from a magnetar, followed by short but bright radio flares within a few milliseconds of each other.
Based on the intensity of the FRB flashes, astronomers were able to measure the brightness of the magnet.
Christopher Bochenek, an astrophysicist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, USA, who is part of the team looking at data from the STARE2 telescope, said: ‘
However, questions remain as to how the magnet produces the FRB.
Professor Masui said: ‘We are trying to do what it means together.
‘We’ve opened our eyes to other magnetars, but now the big thing is to study this one resource and really drill to see what FRB tells us about how it’s made.’
Magnetars are very ga ense, surrounded by the spinning remnants of exploding stars and very powerful magnetic fields.
They occasionally emit radiation in the form of gamma and X-rays – as they decay.
Forming an FRB will require all the light released by our sun in eight decades. Establishing them attached to magnets is challenging.
University of Toronto co-author Dr. Paul Schulz said other FRB observations need to confirm this finding.
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