Mitch McConnell is sitting on the Senate seat from Kentucky

Mitch McConnell is sitting on the Senate seat from Kentucky

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell won his seventh term Tuesday, according to a prediction released by Fox News, with Democrat Amy McCagrath returning the challenge.

Six-term Republican, McConnell G.O.P. The Senate has been the leader of the majority since taking over Control of the upper chamber of Congress in 2015.

His victory came a few weeks later He shepherd President Trump’s nomination Judge Amy Connie Barrett of the Court of Appeals, 6-3, to make Supreme Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsberg successful and strengthen the High Court’s consensual majority.

On his official government website, McConnell called his reputation “the most conservative leader of any party in the history of the Senate.”

He is also proud to call himself a “Gram Reaper” for his ability to kill the liberal legislation put forward by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California).

During the campaign, McConnell said his powerful post has allowed him to deliver federal funds and handicraft policies that benefit the Bluegrass state.

Former U.S. Marine Corps fighter pilot, the first woman to fly an F / A-18 in combat, was introduced by McCagrath, a long-serving senator from Kentucky.

“You can’t drain the swamp unless you get rid of the person who tied it up, and that’s Mitch McConnell,” McGrath told ABC News last week.

There was a quarrel between the two Stalled coronavirus relief bill, With McGraw, j Lost the 2018 bid for the House of Representatives, To blame McConnell for not taking the “Heroes Act” proposed by the House.

McConnell blamed the Democrats and noted their role in it tr 2 trillion to pass the Care Act, Which he said gave Kentucky more than 13 billion.

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