Hope is in Scotland: Britain’s exit from Erasmus exchange program criticized – politics

Hope is in Scotland: Britain's exit from Erasmus exchange program criticized - politics

All sides had benefited greatly from the program promoting universities to live abroad, Dandelfunk said on Deutschlandfunk on Saturday. The future viability of the European Union and Great Britain also depends on Erasmus.

Dannemann complained that one could clearly score higher in matters related to fishing than higher education and student exchanges. He hoped that the Erasmus program could be continued with Scotland.

Even in Great Britain, the exit of the country from the Erasmus program after the final implementation of Brexit met with explicit criticism. Pro-European Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon and his Welsh colleague Mark Drakeford accused the British government of “cultural vandalism”. At the turn of the year, Britain had also broken financially, with the EU eleven months after the political break.

The Erasmus student exchange program has existed since 1987. In 2014, previous EU programs for lifelong learning, youth and sport as well as collaboration programs in higher education were brought together under the name Erasmus +. It is considered one of the most popular programs in the European Union.

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