Britain was a shame after Amanda Holden’s Eurovision coffee

Britain was a shame after Amanda Holden's Eurovision coffee

Host Amanda Holden said that she was ashamed of Britain when she saw no difference between the greeting in French and Dutch when she sang in the finals of the Eurovision Song Contest.

He made coffee on the last night of the competition in Rotterdam when he was to judge the verdict of the English jury.

When he arrived from London to address the audience and international attendees on the show, he said: “Boone Sawyer, Koedenwand. It’s a good evening in French and Dutch. But I don’t know”.

England finished last in the league for the second time in a row and consequently restored their influence in many parts of the world.

Large: “Everyone hates England”: Twitter reaction to Eurovision finale

“I think it’s fun to say that the English Nile Points and Amanda Holden don’t know the difference between French and Dutch truth,” Fiona Hislop wrote on Twitter.

The freedom fighter said in response to Highslope: “Scotland is withdrawn from the Union, we should have freedom and show our culture on the world stage. Yes, it is very embarrassing”.

“When Amanda Holden said two words in two different languages ​​and laughed at it, how did people ask about her last visit and said they don’t understand the language she spoke? To be abusive,” Thea Butler tweeted this morning.

The competition was won by the Italian band Maneskin

Another observer noticed the difference between Holden and a Greek boy who presented his country’s arbitral tribunal in fluent English.

Ryan Lotto tweeted: “Eurovision 2021 understands many languages ​​better than 10-year-old Greek spokesperson Amanda Holden…”

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Linguist Dr. Claire Hardaker tweeted this morning: “Well, the Eurovision Song Contest stalled yesterday due to a language dispute.

“Amanda Holden came to England,” Boone Sawyer said. Navond Kuwait. It was a beautiful evening in French and Dutch.

“It can certainly be said that this morning topped the popular list and it has received a very negative response. Why?

Well, people have indicated that if you do not know the languages ​​of your continental neighbors, you will be alone and ignorant.

“Others seem similar to me as foreigners”, as a racist of our distant past, is based on Britain’s colonial conceptions of the “foreign party” boycott that needs to be understood or studied.

“I have already indicated that ideas of linguistic superiority are deeply rooted in racism, classicism, skill, etc., but this (false?) Ignorance appears unconscious in the continental competition to persuade European countries together.

Instead of making a weird ‘I, I’ joke (which can be stressful anyway), many British viewers went on the couch, alone in the hope of being seen as a microcosm of the mindset.

Scott Lee was referring to Francesetti Holden’s ignorance.

‘I’m dying a little bit. I hope to improve with other languages, but * I am trying. Why is gross ignorance acceptable?

Viewers took to Twitter to point out England’s unpopularity after the recent tournament.

James Newman scored zero points after the performance of the song Embers.

England finished the game without a point for the second time in a row.
Italian Bob Rock Menskin won the previous night when France finished second in a match in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

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Other spectacular performances came from Switzerland, Iceland, Russia and Lithuania.
People who watched Scotland and the UK found that England showed its unpopularity in the other 25 participating countries due to the competition.

Journalist Leslie Ritouche tweeted this morning: “Eurovision confirms life as usual. Bad Italian silicon breaks well. Iceland was happy and quiet. France / Switzerland had lower numbers. Brexit is clearly no longer Johnny. Is. Good gee “.

Scottish director Phantom Power wrote on Twitter: “This is the most political Eurovision contest with millions of votes. England is clearly hated across the continent. How does it look to you in Scotland?”

Holyrood Murray Foote, head of SNP Communications, mentioned the Brexit competition scenario.

He tweeted: “Thread points, it’s like a deal with Liz Truss.”

Journalist James Dolman tweeted: “Britain walked out of the crowd with zero digits,” adding: “Now I apologize for this poor girl.”

Actor Dan Stevens, who played Russian rival Alexander Limitov in the film Eurovision, borrowed from his character in the film.

Stevens tweeted, “It’s Hot,” quoting Limito in the hit film, “He’s great, but everyone hates England, so it makes no sense.”

Reporter Adam Ramsay tweeted: #Scotland #I’m eager to get my place on the Eurovision platform. would be great. ”

Jack O’Neill tweeted: “Independent Scotland will win Eurovision.”

Italy – 524
France – 499
Switzerland – 432
Islands – 378
Ukraine – 364
Finland – 301
Malta – 255
Lithuania – 220
Russia – 204
Hell – 170
Bulgaria – 170
Portugal – 153
Moldavia – 115
Sweden – 109
Serbia – 109
Cipro – 94
Israel – 93
Norway – 75
Belgium – 74
Azerbaijan – 65
Albania – 57
San Marino – 50
Netherlands – 11
Spain – 6
Germany – 3
United Kingdom – 0

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