Ilaria Capua: From the film on Prime Video in the Quirinale? Conte is thinking about it…

  Ilaria Capua: From the film on Prime Video in the Quirinale?  Conte is thinking about it...

Ilaria Capua (LaPresse) and Anna Foglietta (Amazon) who play her role in the film based on her book, With Another Name

Here Comes the Movie Based on the Book by Ilaria Capua: This Is How It Could Fit Cole’s Race

Debuts Monday 13 December Prime Video “Virus Smuggler”, Film directed by and with Costanza Quattriglio Anna Foglietta in the role of a hero. script is based on “I, Virus Smuggler”, 2017 book in which ilaria capua tells of her dramatic judicial affair, which led to her losing her position as a Member of Parliament before being completely absolved of the infamous allegations. The background cast hasn’t always escaped the watchful eye which may just be a coincidence, but is certainly very curious. The film arrives on the Amazon platform, while all the political leaders are negotiating the election of the President of the Republic and ten days later Giuseppe Conte On the topic, which today can be read in another light.

Conte: “I have a woman for the hill in mind”

The leader of the Five Star Movement has actually spoken openly about the prospect of a historic turning point in the country’s leadership election: “I’ll see A woman in the Quirinale And I have a profile in mind that we can all be proud of,” he added. pulling wind, A female candidate for Cole would be a very strong sign, capable of consolidating the transversal consensus and overcoming the impasse given by a very fragmented political structure. Names accepted so far – Da Liliana Segre Advertisement Anna Finocchiaro, gives pink dot a Emma Bonino, Whereas Paola Severino I Marta Cartabia – However, they still seem to be far from the target of bipartisan support. The identity mentioned by Conte may indeed dispel doubts. A woman known and appreciated by the establishment is also talked about, too, for her sober ways. Experience as an MP And, which should not be overlooked, with a professional background of international standing that contributes to conferring authority on that, especially at a historic phase still deeply marked by the pandemic emergency. A Portrait That Fits Perfectly ilaria capua, which most Italians know for being frequently hosted in television broadcasts dedicated to COVID-19, but has a much longer and more prestigious history behind it.

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Ilaria Capua: From avian to covid, an Italian par excellence

Born on 21 April 1966 in Rome, ilaria capua He is a highly respected Virologist. His name went around the world in 2006 after the decision to make the virus’s gene sequencebird flu, a move that gave a strong impetus toopen access For scientific contributions, especially with respect to the influenza virus. In view of these scientific achievements, in 2013 he entered parliament with the political formation, Skelta Civica. Mario Monti He had built a big hand in the world of businesses. However, his parliamentary experience came to an end in 2016, when he was forced to resign following an investigation that accused him of very serious crimes. According to the accusative hypothesis, Capua with other suspects may have given life to a criminal union aimed at illegal virus smuggling and illegal exploitation of patents for the production of vaccines against avian flu. These allegations were dismissed for lack of disputed facts, but Italy still lost one of its most legitimate scientists, as Capua decided to move to Florida, where he continued his commendable work. In a real retaliation, it was then “remembered” by the United States when the dramatic pandemic event plunged Italy into panic, pushing newspapers and TV broadcasts into a frantic search for official figures to ask their questions. for. And it is precisely in this way that most Italians have learned to familiarize themselves with the figure of the scientist.

Her Personal Life and Women’s Empowerment

married a Scotsman Richard John William Curry, former manager of Fort Dodge Animals in Aprilia (which produces veterinary vaccines), is a cousin of Ilaria Roberta Capua, who was elected Miss Italy in 1986 and who later had an admirable career as a TV presenter. On the rest of his personal life, the scientist is decidedly more reserved. a rare exception was the interview with Corriere della Sera, in which he talked about the relationship with his daughter My, born in 2004 and one meter and 80 high. Looking at today’s teenagers, Capua describes them as “a Caj generation, our rose quadrilateral: perfume, petals, ripe creatures; pillars of our society. They are more powerful and independent than the generation before them; they’re the daughters we started growing up with the idea that they could be anything, We raised our sons by reducing them and telling them what not to do. We have made some bets for them which we have snatched from the girls.” Politics, on the other hand, continues to exist to such an extent that the election of a woman for the Quirinale (but also for Palazzo Chigi) would be a historic turning point. Will Ilaria Capua break the crystal ceiling? Conte is thinking about it seriously. And not just him.

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Political sentiment of the operation

Finding squares with an authoritative profile will serve both to intervene on the gender issue above and to attempt to reassure the spirits (well of not many) who still make the choices they make in the fight against the pandemic. Huh. Above all, compromise on a transverse figure will allow mario dragio In Palazzo Chigi, thus assuring the many “peons” who watch the early elections with horror, in the certainty that this will be the end of their parliamentary adventure. And, it is worth remembering, Conte is the leader of what is still the most represented force in parliament, although elections are far from the best of times.


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