The Weirdest New Years, the Most Fantastic Traditions in the World

The Weirdest New Years, the Most Fantastic Traditions in the World

What are the most unique traditions that happen on January 1st? It’s here weirdest new year Around the world, a list of oddities that are celebrated on New Year’s Eve in every corner of the planet.

stranger new year

there are many singular traditions in the world, but since today is New Year’s, we have chosen the most special and strange ones that happen on the first day of the year and in our eyes Italians can seem really unbelievable.

Peru, Takanakuy slap – This is the name of the tradition that citizens follow on New Year’s Eve in Cuzco. They slap each other to resolve pending disputes. After the end of the diatribe, the new year begins.

EnglandFire and Tar in Allendale – Called the Tar Bar’l Festival or the Tar Festival, the old men of this village walk around the village carrying a basket of whiskey and burning tar on their heads. A test of courage worthy of the bravest.

ThailandWater Balloons – The Thai New Year is celebrated between April 13 and 15, with citizens carrying buckets of water on the road these days.

Scotland, a dip in Edinburgh – Scots in Edinburgh instead take a dip in the cold water with plenty of kilns to celebrate the arrival of the new year.

more stranger new year

China, the noise to scare the monster – New Year comes a month after us in China. During the approximately 15-day festivities, citizens dress in red and parade through the cities making great noises to scare away the mythical demon Nian, who, according to tradition, wakes up on these days to devour the men.

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Ecuador, Old Year’s Carnival – a real carnival on the Ecuadorian New Year.

The street puppet parade depicts the country’s famous people and politicians and is set on fire to symbolize the old man who is left behind.

JapanToshigami’s Silence – On the other hand, the Japanese, unlike the Chinese, prefer silence to celebrate their new year from December 31 to January 3. Traditional Toshigami estimates that there is complete silence at midnight on December 31, the only sound that is heard is the ringing of Buddhist temple bells.

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