Boris left the slap as his limitations became clear to all to see Politics

BOriss Johnson’s lack of complete shame is one of his longest narcissistic traits. Their willingness to betray family, friends and coworkers for short-term personal gain is common knowledge. Similarly, his lack of competence – his inability to understand the basic details – is also kept in this equation, as no one on the Tory bench cares much. It was just going to be Boris Boris.

But something has changed during the summer. Johnson is no longer seen as a man with a winning touch. Quite the opposite, in fact. Many Conservatives are slowly waking up to the fact that it could be a liability. Many prime ministers have found that to be in the top job, you need a different skill and mindset to get the top job.

The difference with Boris is that he shows no signs of being willing to learn how to adapt to change. Lata, he seems to be getting worse and worse at becoming prime minister. Limitations that are increasingly exposed to laziness, short temper and forgetfulness.

PM questions are often canceled as part of a performance theater. Only people inside the Westminster Bubble are interested. And there is a little truth in that. But they also give a window into the soul of a leader who manifests qualities such as empathy, understanding, intelligence and humility.

And Boris is failing miserably at all calculations: his inability to measure mood alone House Comm f. Comm Mans But the nation is also the socio-therapy of the border. He knows he’s hanging on a bunker, surrounded by yes men – almost no women in Boris’s inner circle – he just has to say the things he wants to hear.

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On the contrary, Keer Starr Learn fast. His early start at PMQ was never less than competent, but he had a mess. Knows how he will play the role of a man who has been elected as the leader of the Labor Party. But now we are starting to see the real man. His questions are just as focused, but now he has the ability to get on his feet and respond to the Prime Minister’s lies and the real unreliability of the answer, the anger and the humor when needed. There is only one person in PMQ who seems fit to run the country and he is not Boris.

Then it’s not that the Labor leader didn’t spoil for the line to attack the Prime Minister, and probably not. Starr has chosen to go over the chaos of the exam. Either Boris knew about the problem and didn’t like to know anything, or he didn’t know when to do it. Simple question: what was it? As predicted, Boris resorted to bullshit and blaster. The laborer never wanted the children to go back to school in the first place. One obvious mistake, as Starme gave clear support to returning students on several occasions in May and June.

After that, Johnson’s complete meltdown took place. Even in the chamber there was a grace of embarrassing appearance in some Tory Reese. Boris first accused Keer of being anti-Brexit – as if staying permanently meant you automatically wanted thousands of people to die from the coronavirus and less-good students to be downgraded to their A-level results. He then accused Starr of being an IRA supporter.

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This was too much for both the labor leader and the speaker, Lindsay Hoyle. Hoyle has been reluctant to challenge Johnson in the past when it comes to trendy mega-rent, but this time he was quick to rein in it.

The starr looked sensibly angry and reminded Boris that as director of public action he had made allegations against several terrorists. He also noted that he was not recently offered a parole by Cox Lair Fox, who defended the ring rington bombing in 1993 when he was a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party.

“If he was a polite man, he would apologize,” Starr said. But Boris is not a decent man, so he did not. Instead he kept running on his run. The furlo plan will have no extensions as it will encourage people to move around the house without doing anything. As if the probability of becoming unemployed is the lifestyle choice of millions of workers.

Starmer asked why Johnson is now refusing to meet the families of those killed by Covid-19, a promise he made on TV a few days ago. Remind me, was this the 12th or 13th U-turn in the last six weeks? Now was the time for Boris’s sad face. Or that failed, serious face. But he can’t do it either, so he just tormented a little. He didn’t care much, because he cared so much, because he didn’t go to see the mourner. His stories can make him unhappy. And besides, it would be inappropriate because the mourners were in contention with the government. They weren’t, but what’s another lie in so many people?

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The meltdown blocked by Starmer continued for the rest of the time PMQ. Boris felt that there are a number of industries like aviation, tourism and hospitality that may not soon become normal.

Nor did he know that the very moment Matt Hancock raised a very local workdown, he was saying that more people should return to work. One day, it may happen to Boris that some companies may not be able to force their employees to return to health before properly securing the workplace. But today was not that day.

Instead, it was the day that Boris’s caregivers tried to get him out of the Commons before he harmed the country or the Tory party anywhere else.

PMQ viewers also had a day to ask themselves what they did to characterize the leader who was apparently falling apart week after week. Never been so clever about Boris: now there’s nothing funny. In all the towns of the world, from all the coronavirus joints, it runs into us.


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