2020 election: Biden in commanding position as Trump wastes precious days

2020 election: Biden in commanding position as Trump wastes precious days

With 24 days to go before the election and millions of votes already being cast, Biden’s allies and Democratic allies say Trump’s missteps and the former vice president’s message have given him a map with numerous routes for 270 election votes. The time is running out for Trump to change the pace of the race – and he is failing to capitalize on the opportunities that exist.

In the eyes of observers, Biden’s running mate, Sen. of California. Kamala Harris was doing Best to Vice President Mike Pence His discussion on Wednesday night, CNN-Post-Debate Poll Found. Trump then attended the Fox Business Morning Show on Thursday and Harris is called a “monster.” Gold Star blamed the families for the coronavirus infection and said they would not participate in his second debate against Biden, which was scheduled for next week, but changed to a virtual format (it was at the time). Canceled on Friday).
On Friday, Trump called right-wing radio host Rush Limboh’s program for a complaint-filled interview. Meanwhile, his Treasury Secretary Steven Muchin was trying Economic stimulus negotiations Deal with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi – Complete counter to Trump’s Twitter announcement Earlier in the week he was covering that negotiation day. With Trump already playing a weak hand, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, at his home in Kentucky, casts doubt on the possibility that a deal for the Republican election will pass in time.

Recovering from the coronavirus, Trump repeatedly promised during the week that he would return to campaign trail this weekend. On Saturday they will hold an event at the White House, raising potential concerns that – like Trump nominated Amy Connie Barrett to the Supreme Court – the virus could spread.

Trump’s actions in the week sparked a round of politically damaging headlines and left him in the debate next week unless there could be any valuable opportunity to improve on his first performance against Biden.

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Guy Cecil, head of the pro-Biden Super PAC priority USA, told reporters on Friday that Trump was “struggling to bring in new voters” and that “time is running out” to do so.

After expelling Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia, he said, “The whole map has moved forward. Some states may move a little further than others.” But we have seen the whole map heading towards Biden. ”

Outside of Washington Washington, Trump’s campaign is re-emerging, with his ads completely blowing air in Ohio and Iowa – two states where Trump won by more than 9 percentage points in 2016 but where polls show he is now tied to or behind Biden. Is – and cut back costs to other Midwestern battlefields.

“President Trump and his campaign are very confident about our opportunities in these states. We’ve been talking directly to voters for years about the success of President Trump’s first U.S. agenda. In many ways, unlike Biden, campaign advertising is not the only way we know how to campaign. Do, ”Trump campaign spokeswoman Samantha Zagger said Said.

The reality for Trump, however, is even more grim: if he loses Ohio and Iowa, that’s all for sure but he will be blown up on the map by Biden.

As Trump pulls back, Biden-September seeks to expand the competitive map with ads from Texas and Iowa, saying the record-breaking fundraising month in September will top 5 million dollars. Major statewide purchases this week in Ohio.

Biden has a big lead nationally in recent polls – a 1% lead over Trump’s 1%, according to a CNN poll this week. Voting – and Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in the major war states, where it will cross the threshold of 270 election votes by winning three or four of the six. Quinnipiac showed Biden a 13-point lead in Pennsylvania and an 11-point lead in Florida. He led Wisconsin by 5 points per marquee. The New York Times and Siena saw Biden improve by 8 points in Arizona. And CBS and Yugov got it 2 points ahead in North Carolina.

Biden will beat Trump in the states in those six major battles today, making him the focus of a wide-ranging playing field, including Ohio, Iowa and possibly Texas and Georgia.

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“There’s no extra credit here, right? We need to reach 270,” said Jane Ryder, director of national states at Biden.

Trump’s campaign is aimed at his white men without college degrees, and the president insisted at Limboff’s program on Friday that they would rally in huge numbers on election day.

“I think you’ll see a very big explosion of voting,” Trump said.

But down-ballet, there were signs on the map that Republicans were in danger. Campaign financial reports show that Democratic Senate candidates in the third quarter to raise funds for their GOP. Competitors have changed, giving the party the benefit of heavy advertising in the final days of the race.

Democrats need a net advantage of three seats to win Senate control, with Biden winning the presidency, leading Democratic Senate challenges in the polls in Arizona, Colorado, Maine, North Carolina and Iowa, and surprisingly contesting candidates in South Carolina. The poll also showed that both Senate races in Georgia could be pushed to the runoff. Alaska late line may come to you for Democrats too.

Republican Sen. at risk in North Carolina. Thom Tillis told Politico that the GOP-led Senate would be “the best test of Biden’s presidency,” which would clearly acknowledge Biden’s position as the front-runner.

Biden, meanwhile, is in a comfortable position. A video of Michelle Obama, a former woman who made a “closed argument” against Trump in her campaign, was released this week and claimed support for singer Taylor Swift, possibly lending former Vice President Cultural Cash to younger voters.

Biden and Harris were in Arizona on a joint bus tour on Thursday, riding separately to be wary of cases of coronavirus growing across the country. His campaign says it has agreed in townhall on ABC instead of a virtual discussion next week that Trump has endorsed since Thursday morning.

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Biden was praised for a speech in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, this week, in which he blasted Abraham Lincoln’s famous words on the field of civil war there and said he would strive to unite the country.

His message in the final week of the race has changed little since it began in April 2019, when he launched his campaign in Philadelphia: arguing that the “soul of the nation” is at stake.

Aides said the message allowed Biden to turn Republican-leaning states into battlefields. Voting shows he is leading Trump among voters aged 65 and over – a rare feat for a Democratic nominee – and the advantage of a huge gender gap, with women overwhelmingly supporting him and men more evenly divided. They say Biden is providing calm and stability amid an epidemic that has claimed the lives of more than 210,000 Americans and in the chaos created by Trump – qualities that appeal to a wider electorate.

“This message is not for democracy primary voters; this is not for Republican swing voters. This has been consistent, and it has always been for a larger interest. And that’s why the maps remain what they do,” said Becca Siegel, Biden’s chief analyst Officer. “We can do a lot of testing and voting and work on the best message, but this comes from our candidate.”

CNN’s Dan Marika contributed to this report.


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