A family finds nearly $ 1 million in cash in the middle of the street. The police want to know how the money went there

Family finds bags of money in the road

It happened last weekend.

A car in front of the Schantz family had moved away from what appeared to be a large bag of rubbish, Major Scott Moser of Caroline County Sheriff’s Department told CNN. The Schantz family, however, didn’t have time to do the same.

“So they ran over the bag. Instead of leaving the trash on the road, they stopped, picked it up, threw it on the back of the truck,” Moser said.

They saw another bag in the nearby moat and picked up one too. After arriving home later that evening, they would have thrown the trash away from both bags.

“When they did, it appeared to be mail. Then, they continued the investigation and appeared to be cash,” said Moser.

The Schantz family went to church with one of the county sheriffs. He told the family to call the office.

“We went out there and determined that it was actually cash. It was in two envelopes and the total was close to $ 1 million,” Moser said.

Inside the two larger bags were the smaller ones, each containing some information on where the money should have been deposited.

“Inside the bag were plastic bags and they were addressed with something that said ‘safe deposit box,” said Emily Schantz Affiliate of CNN WTVR.

The sheriff’s department conducted its investigation before submitting it to the United States Postal Service, which is now investigating the matter.

“Who he really belonged to, where he was going,” Moser said. “We haven’t released any of this.”

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The USPS is now working on returning the money to its rightful owner.

“It’s really just about the character and fiber of the family,” said Moser. “I’m sure it would be difficult to make that decision. It’s almost $ 1 million in cash. But they did the right thing.”


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