A negative test is required upon arrival in England and Scotland

A negative test is required upon arrival in England and Scotland

All passengers arriving in England and Scotland must submit a negative anti-cavid test within 72 hours of departure to avoid imports. New strains of coronavirus, Officials announced on Friday.

Even if they test negative, the people of the countries “At high riskThe British government said in a statement, “People affected by quarantine measures will have to isolate themselves for ten days, or undergo a new negative test for five days.”

Coming in next week

The measure, which will come into force next week in England, is intended to protect the country. “Against new strains of coronavirus seen in Denmark and South Africa“, She elaborated.

The Scottish Government has announced similar measures.

With quarantine, “Pre-departure testing will provide an additional line of defense, enabling us to control the virus as we roll out the vaccine on an ongoing basis over the next few weeks.Britain’s Transport Minister Grant Shaps said in a statement.

Excerpts from our joint letter of reclamation in England, January 05:

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