About 270 million people are at risk of starvation

Cerca de 270 milhões de pessoas correm o risco de passar fome

The World Food Program (WFP) warned today that nearly 270 million people are at risk of starvation due to conflict, climate disasters and the economic crisis caused by COVID-19, raising levels of food insecurity.

In addition, the number of people already close to hunger levels has risen to 41 million, seven million more than expected at the start of the year, WFP spokesman Tomson Firi told a news conference in Geneva.

“Without immediate emergency food aid, they could have starved because the slightest impact would push them to the edge of famine,” Firi said.

The United Nations expressed particular concern over the situation in Ethiopia, Madagascar, South Sudan and Yemen, where 584,000 people could face severe famine, as well as in Nigeria and Burkina Faso, where groups of people have been registered in recent months. . Situation.

Meanwhile, food prices continue to rise globally, in a situation that has not yet normalized and is getting worse for developing countries, the WFP warned.

“The cost of doing nothing in the face of these growing food needs will inevitably be measured in terms of lives lost,” Firi said.

In addition, the United Nations has warned of the long-term economic impact of the famine, which will lead to lost productivity and increased health care costs.

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