Afghanistan: End of travel ban waiver for Taliban leaders

Afghanistan: End of travel ban waiver for Taliban leaders

The travel ban waivers obtained by 13 Taliban officials on the UN sanctions list will expire on Friday evening, pending an agreement by Security Council members on a possible extension, we learned from diplomatic sources. Under a 2011 UN Security Council resolution, 135 Taliban leaders are subject to a sanctions regime that includes asset freezes and travel restrictions.

But 13 of them benefited from an exemption from the travel ban, which was regularly renewed, to allow them to meet officials from other countries abroad.

In June, the sanctions committee in charge of Afghanistan, composed of 15 members of the UN Security Council, had already removed two Taliban ministers from the list responsible for education, in retaliation for the drastic reduction in the rights of women and girls. Administration. He also renewed the exemption for others at the same time for two months (until 19 August), plus an additional month if a member does not object.

And Ireland protested this week, according to diplomatic sources.

Following talks in which China and Russia backed a similar extension, while the United States defended a reduced list of officials and authorized destinations, the latest proposal on the table was to allow six officials to travel anywhere for diplomatic reasons. There is a plan, diplomatic sources told AFP.

If any member of the council does not oppose it by Monday afternoon, it will come into force for three months. Meanwhile, the exemption for 13 officers expires at midnight on Friday.


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