Alison Roman apologizes to Chrissy Teigen and Marie Kondo

Alison Roman apologizes to Chrissy Teigen and Marie Kondo

The New York Times columnist made an apology on social media on Monday in which he tried to make amends for the controversial comments he made about the couple.

“Among the many unpleasant things that I started to elaborate is the awareness that my comments were rooted in my insecurity,” he wrote. “My inability to appreciate my success without confronting and knocking others down – in this case two established women – is something I certainly recognize the struggle with, and I’m working to fix it. I don’t want to be such a person.”

It all started with a recently published interview Roman gave it to New Consumer in which he discussed Teigen and Kondo, who both wrote successful books and found success in the household goods sector.

Kondo is the author of “Life-Changing Magic” and “Reorder with Marie Kondo”, the latter of which has been transformed into a Netflix series.

Both women also have a line of cooking and cooking utensils that they sell as part of their commercial empires – and that’s what Roman shot during the interview.

“I like the idea that when Marie Kondo decided to capitalize on her fame and produce things you can buy, this is completely antithetical to everything she ever taught you …” Roman reportedly said when the boundary between consumption and pollution has been asked. “I’m like, damn, fuck, you just ran out immediately! Someone’s like ‘you should do things’, and it’s like,’ okay, slap my name on it, I don’t ‘give it like ** t!'”

Di Teigen the author of “Dining In” said that what he “did is so crazy for me”.

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“She had a successful cookbook. And then it was like: Boom, line at Target. Boom, she now has an Instagram page that has over a million followers where she is alone, like, people who run a content farm for her. “said Roman. “This terrifies me and it’s not something I’ve ever wanted to do. I don’t aspire to that. But like, who is laughing now? Because he’s making a lot of money.”

Roman is chasing two successful Asian women who have had a backlash on social media and injured by Teigen who tweeted that she considered herself an admirer of the writer, and who had even let herself be involved in a television program that Roman said in the interview that he would have.

“This is a great shame and it hit me hard,” Teigen tweeted on Friday. “I have been making her recipes for years, bought cookbooks, supported her on social media, and praised her during interviews. I even signed up to produce the same show executive that she talks about in this article.”

After initially announcing that he had planned to take a break on social media, Teigen – who has nearly 13 million followers on Twitter – has since realized his private Twitter account.

Roman tweeted the apology to Teigen on Friday evening.

“Hi @chrissyteigen! I sent an email, but I also wanted to say here that I am sincerely sorry that I made you suffer for what I said,” wrote Roman. “I shouldn’t have used you / your company (or Marie’s!) As an example to show what I wanted for my career: he was irreverent, disinterested and I’m so sorry.”

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Roman went further in his long note which tweeted Monday, saying she was not a “victim” but a “white woman who has and will continue to benefit from the white privilege”.

“The fact that I didn’t think of identifying two Asian women is one hundred percent a function of my privilege (being blind to racial insensitivity is a discriminatory luxury),” he wrote. “” I know that our culture often frequents women, especially black women, and I am ashamed to have contributed to this. “

Teigen tweeted his acceptance of the apology.

“Thanks for that, @alisoneroman. To be clear, it never occurred to me to apologize for what you really thought,” wrote Chrissy. “The comments burned, but mostly died because they came to you! It wasn’t my usual news in which a random person hated everything about me!”

Kondo had been silent on the controversy since Tuesday and its representative told CNN he had no comment.


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