Another blast of US President Biden! Instead, Putin said something like this

  Another blast of US President Biden!  Instead, Putin said something like this

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US President Joe Biden commented on the White House YouTube account as President Putin Instead, he called it “President Clutin.” Biden’s rumble, which fell into the language of social media, caused backlash.

President Joe Biden, who holds the office of the oldest president of the United States and faced various accusations about his cognitive state during the election campaign, added another rumble to his blunders. This time, the wrong pronunciation caused Biden trouble.

Biden, who evaluated the agenda on the White House’s YouTube account, during his speech Russia “President Clutin” asked for President Vladimir Putin. Biden repeated his speech when he realized that he had pronounced it wrong.

Many users criticized Biden in the social media language, saying, “Who is Mr. President Clutin ?, unable to say the name of his fierce rival. The Clutin disaster after the Stair disaster”.

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Biden told reporters at his first official press conference on the 65th day of his assignment, “When we come to the subject of ‘bandits’, I believe that 120 years ago, when I entered the US Senate, we Will not return to his position. ” The word bandit came out for the first time. ”

Biden, who previously described himself as a ‘blunder machine’, reiterated twice that he took office in the US Senate 120 years ago.


On the other hand, when speaking of his right-hand man, Kamala Harris, before the handover ceremony on January 20, Biden mispronounced the phrase “elected president” instead of “elected vice president”.

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