Australia will investigate police attacks on journalists in Washington

These Australian journalists were attacked by US police

During a live morning news on the “Sunrise” program on Tuesday in Australia, police were seen using shields to free American Channel 7 correspondent Amelia Brace and photojournalist Tim Myers from the scene. The Australian outlet is a subsidiary of CNN.

Marise Payne, the country’s foreign minister, said Morrison “contacted the Australian embassy in Washington DC on Tuesday to instruct them to investigate the disturbing incident and provide further advice on recording the Australian government’s concerns.”

Payne added in an interview with ABC Radio National on Tuesday that “I would like to get further advice on how to go about recording Australia’s strong concerns with the local authorities responsible for Washington.”

The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade “contacted Amelia and Tim, the Channel 7 team, to verify their well-being through the embassy and Channel 7 here in Australia,” said Payne.

The American ambassador to Australia, Arthur B. Culvahouse Jr., stated in a statement posted on Twitter that “press freedom is a right that Australians and Americans care about. We take journalist abuse seriously.”

“We remain firm in our commitment to protect journalists and ensure equal justice for all senses of the law,” he added.

According to Committee for the protection of journalists, at least 125 violations of press freedom in the United States have been reported by reporters about protests sparked by the death of George Floyd, a black man who died in police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

At least 20 journalists have been arrested, according to the media watchdog. CNN’s Omar Jimenez and crew members were taken into police custody during a live broadcast on the Minneapolis protest site last week, although he clearly identified himself as a journalist.

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The Manhattan district attorney is investigating the alleged assault of a Wall Street Journal reporter covering protests from members of the New York City police department.

In an interview with “Sunrise” following the Washington DC incident, Brace said that “we got together we are not too bad. In reality it is the tear gas that gives you more, it is very difficult to continue talking in that situation. “

Brace said she and Myers were both hit with rubber bullets.

“There was no escape at that time, we had the [National Guard] behind us the police arrive so quickly that there is nowhere to go, “added Brace.


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