Best country for Draghi, Economist Italy. What is hidden in the praise of the premiere

  Best country for Draghi, Economist Italy.  What is hidden in the praise of the premiere

economist Crown Dragons. Because there is high finance behind it. manipulation going on

To economist, The Journal of Liberal Knowledge and the Bible of World Finance, Italy is Country of the Year, thanks to Mario Draghi.


In short, the prime minister is crowned because he has united disputed parties, secured EU funds from the recovery fund for the country, achieved record numbers for the anti-covid vaccination campaign and the economy of France and Germany. Getting better than that.

But if we saw what happened in Italy in a less ideological way We can support completely opposed theories, without running the risk of being proven wrong.

Earlier there were quarrels among themselves, now they are broken into streams which are ready to burst at any moment; EU Fund Debt and Roundup of Recovery Funds (For those visits called “lost money”, Spain has gained more from us, instead of having the loans to be repaid with interest, it’s true, we are number one); Vaccination campaigns were also carried out by blackmailing people out of fear that they would lose their jobs (Spain and Portugal who vaccinated more than us did not even dream of violating their constitutional principles and blackmailing the population); The economies of Italy, France and Germany are incomparable, with Italy having nearly twice as much GDP as the German economy, so it is normal to see some signs of life on Earth in the short term.

Because the financial elite love Draghi. The words of Mattei who challenged the Seven Sisters of Tel

Mario Draghi is very popular with the financial elite, Even more so if exotic, as Mario Monti liked a few years ago and even before Romano Prodi. The same oligarchs who have chosen the euro, the extreme neoliberalism and wild globalization that we experience every day.
And then since the confectionery has been around, we’ve conquered everything, even the pastry world!
The question is, who decides the policies of Italy? When do Italians vote or big finance and their representatives in Italy? Why this constant foreign pounding? Why is it so important that Draghi’s policies attract foreign powers? Not so, beyond the Truman Show of mainstream media, getting higher? Since Draghi has ceased to exist, there is no longer a hatred for politics, only love, the Italians all lined up to vaccinate or divide each other between Vax and No Vax and commit to hate, the lowest in the world. Along with salaries and loans – care has been taken that the next generations will sell to the highest bidder as before.
Draghi is the ideal leader for economist, Statistics say we will be the world’s most indebted, build up our assets and current accounts! It seems they are the only things international funds are interested in.
The great Enrico Mattei who invented Eni and challenged the Seven Sisters of Oil, one day speaking to the leaders of Third World countries said: “We laughed when we got the job, because they said we Italians didn’t have the skills. is or the quality of achieving success. We were almost ready to believe it, because as kids, they taught us these things. I really would like the culture and the people responsible for teaching to remember That we Italians have to get rid of this inferiority complex… Remember friends from other countries: these are the things that gave us confidence and are now teaching you too. This is all a lie and we are examples of it. You have to believe in yourself, in your possibilities, in your tomorrow. But to do this it is necessary to study, to learn, to know the problems. And we put a lot of effort into that and built business schools for engineers, specialists, workers, everyone and everywhere.”

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Enlightenment is not an academic exercise, it is not aimed at the search for truth, more so when it is the activity of those who exercise and hold real power, money and finances. The pillars of modern thought have explained it to us, Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger and above all Michael Foucault, The object of knowledge is not to know the truth, but the dominion over things, reality and the result of the discipline of people.

economist He does politics like others, legitimate. It is the Italians who no longer do this and live in this eternal inferiority complex.

Since 2015, the holding company of the Agnelli family, with its registered office in the Netherlands, is the largest shareholder of the weekly. Other shareholders are the Rothschild family, one of the most influential names on the international economic and political scene, their financial and banking empire being one of the most powerful in the world: they were prominent. economist for years.

economist, Draghi and Bilderberg Group

The Rothschild dynasty is represented in the Bilderberg group, Where global economic and political strategies are planned and open only to the most powerful people on the planet. Like the Agnelli family, as La Repubblica wrote in 2014, when it was no longer owned by Agnellis, “Gianni and Umberto Agnelli and the heirs are in the Bilderberg Group”, today John Elcan. Among the presidents of the Council of Ministers, Romano Prodi was also in the group, but also Mario Monti, Director of economist Zanny Minton Beddows was invited to group meetings. And there’s no shortage of representatives from Goldman Sachs, the mighty American bank whose Draghi was an advisor. An investment bank, wrote Le Monde, has woven into Europe “a unique network of influence that has been settled over the course of decades due to its dense network, both public and underground”.
economist, Just as he does not hide his support for Draghi, he does not disdain his public support for leaders who stand as candidates. In addition to strongly supporting globalization, in 2006 he supported Romano Prodi, then Walter Veltronik, in 2008 Barack Obama, in 2010 David Cameron, in 2013 Angela Merkel, The Not for the referendum on the independence of Scotland, he was against Brexit and for Britain to remain in the European Union, he argued Joe Biden in 2020. economist It does politics like many other groups
If for the liberal Draghi, who said on the establishment of the Green Pass, “The Green Pass is a measure with which people can, with a guarantee, continue their activities, however, to find themselves in the face of people who are not contagious.” ( It is also known for the stones that the vaccinated people can infect, ed) “, a crown should be given, what should be given to the premiers of South Korea and Sweden, who have had little to do with the start of the epidemic There have been deaths and never have Not even an hour of lockdown and don’t they dream of limiting the freedom of their citizens at all?
There were a total of 15,000 deaths from Kovid in Sweden, 4,500 in South Korea.
What did they have to give? Nobel?

Ah no! Korea and Sweden were also not candidates. They don’t have any dragons.

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