British police say they spoke to Dominic Cummings’ father, contradicting the Downing Street statement

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Downing Street Special Advisor 10, Dominic Cummings, arrives at his home in London on May 23 after allegations of breaking the rules of blocking the coronavirus. Daniel Leal-Olivas / AFP / Getty Images

British police have confirmed that an officer has made contact with Dominic Cummings’ father – a senior adviser to Prime Minister Boris Johnson – about his trip to Durham during the nationwide blockade, the Press Association reported.

This information contradicts a previous Downing Street statement that the police had no contact with Cummings or his family.

An officer spoke to Cummings’ father, who claimed that his son had traveled to north-east England and was “self-insulating part of the property,” according to Durham police, according to AP reports. .

This occurs after Downing Street released a statement regarding Cummings’ trip to Durham, stating that “he was not contacted by the police at any time regarding the matter, as reported.”

Cummings has been indicted for reporting that he travels to Durham – more than 250 miles from his home in London – on two occasions, despite national blocking rules.

Downing Street has denied these reports, featured in the Mirror and Guardian newspapers, claiming that they contain “false accusations” and “inaccurate stories” about Cummings.

“His actions were in line with the coronavirus guidelines. Cummings believes he has behaved reasonably and legally,” according to a Downing Street statement.

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