Canada wants a national sickness leave plan for the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic

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“Nobody should choose between taking a day off from work because of illness or being able to pay their bills. Just like no one should choose between staying home with Covid-19 symptoms or being able to afford the rent. or the expense, “said Trudeau during a press conference in Ottawa on Monday.

As of Monday, Canada has reported over 85,000 coronavirus cases and 6,545 related deaths.

For those infected, sick leave is usually a provincial jurisdiction, which complicates the national effort.

Trudeau said that putting in place the mechanisms needed for a national sick leave program would be difficult, but his government and provinces are determined to try.

“When Autumn comes and the flu season begins, we don’t want people who develop a nose to suddenly worry that while they really shouldn’t go to work, but they can’t afford not to go to work and therefore the risk of contributing a wave significantly, it could be a real problem, “said Trudeau.

On Monday, the chief Canadian doctor reiterated his claim that a second wave of viruses could be worse than the first and encouraged public health officials to develop testing capabilities, hospital beds and personal protective equipment in order to prepare.

“I think we can never be overly prepared and we just have to continue with some of these capacity developments and this also applies to laboratory tests,” said Canadian Therapy Chief Dr Theresa Tam during a press conference. Monday.

Hoping to manage the spread of the virus in the country, Trudeau announced last week that the border with the United States will continue to be closed at least until June 21st. Trudeau called the border, which has been closed since March 21, a clear “vulnerability” point for Canada.

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The ban on international travelers and the quarantine of returning Canadians is the only thing that has allowed Canada to manage its first wave of coronaviruses, said Tam.


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