Channels posting comments against Vaccine will be disabled: YouTube admin | dynamics

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Washington: The YouTube administration has said that videos containing comments against a government vaccine will be removed and channels that publish them will be immediately disabled.

For the past two years, all countries have stepped up vaccination efforts to control the global epidemic of goiter. But there has been opposition in many countries regarding the vaccine. More and more people are talking about vaccines, especially in the United States. A few days ago, he spread misconceptions about vaccines on the YouTube page of Americans. It was disabled by the YouTube administration.

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In this matter, Matt Hobrin, Vice President of YouTube Company said, ‘We are at this time to make people aware about the vaccine. But spreading negative opinion about it is not ideal. If Connolly publishes against the vaccine, that video will be removed; That channel will be deactivated immediately. The move is expected to lead to a ban on anti-vaccine comments on Facebook and Twitter in the coming days.



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