China: Against His Will, Former President Hu Jintao Drops Out of Party Congress Because He’s “Not Feeling Well”

L'ex-président chinois Hu Jintao (c), entre le chef de l'Etat actuel Xi Jinping (d) et le Premier ministre Li Keqiang (g), est emmené vers la sortie lors de la cérémonie de clôture du congrès du Parti communiste, à Pékin le 22 octobre 2022

Former Chinese President Hu Jintao was evicted on Saturday against his wishes. At the closing ceremony of the Communist Party CongressA very unusual event.

The scene, seen and filmed by AFP journalists, was not explained or reported by state media.

Any recent reference to the former president’s name has been censored on the Chinese Internet.

Hu Jintao, who presided over China from 2003 to 2013 and is considered a reformer, was pressured by staff to step down from his seat, which sits next to Xi Jinping in the front row of the People’s Palace.

An employee tries to hand over the 79-year-old former president, who seemed weak, but the latter refuses.

The man then tries to lift him from the side, but Xi Jinping’s predecessors continue to resist.

Hu Jintao tries to board the documents on his desk, which belong to Chinese number one. Xi Jinping has held them firmly.

passive support

There is a conversation between the employee and Hu Jintao for about a minute.

The latter is eventually persuaded, reluctantly, to leave the premises. Holding hands, the former president is escorted out leaving an empty chair next to Xi Jinping.

State media said former Chinese leader Hu Jintao “did not like” when he was unexpectedly ousted from the closing ceremony of the Communist Party Congress on Saturday.

,Hu Jintao insisted on attending the closing session… despite the fact that he had recently taken time off to recover“, assured China’s new agency on Twitter.”When he was not feeling well during the session, his team, for the sake of his health, went to an adjoining room to rest with him. now she is much better“, adds the official agency.

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As he stood up, Hu Jintao had a brief exchange with Xi Jinping, who answered without looking at him, and with Premier Li Keqiang, whom he patted on the shoulder.

The audience seems emotionless.


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