Conspiracy of the Innocents in the 2022 Attacks: From Awakened Ideology to Anti-Ax Movement

Conspiracy of the Innocents in the 2022 Attacks: From Awakened Ideology to Anti-Ax Movement

, When a true genius appears in this world, we can recognize him by the sign that all fools are against him. “. The behavior of 5.6 million unaffiliated French people and their spokesmen against COVID-19 cannot be better described than this formula by Jonathan Swift. The feats of science and technology developed and built in record time in the history of mankind Confronted, the Fool looks at the needle and wonders about his navel. His general distrust of vaccination provokes another achievement: to unite France’s greatest egoists into a coalition that is anti-social of individual liberty. The name of the concept undermines the general interest.

The anti-axe movement is sidelining the management of the pandemic. Last month, the non-vaccinated (8% of French people) accounted for 42% of hospitalizations, 54% of critical care admissions and 39% of deaths, according to DREES. , He preferred not to be vaccinated » Respond to Antivax. An option that further contributes to the embolism of hospitals, the deprogramming of care for thousands of patients, and the spread of the virus to the general population.

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The anti-axe movement dictates the national vaccination strategy: that would be natural selection. There are two ways to be immune to the virus: get it (and avoid it) and get vaccinated. The Institut Pasteur, where messenger RNA was discovered in 1961 (which earned the 1965 Nobel Prize in Medicine for biologist François Jacob), established that vaccination reduced the risk of hospitalization by 95% and 50% of the virus. transmission is reduced. By denying this option, antivax is taking a risk not only to themselves, or to the capabilities of critical care services in our hospitals. They contribute to exposing and contaminating French classified as “at risk” by transmitting the virus between them. There are 17 million people classified as “at risk” in our country, a large proportion of whom have only a weak effect of the vaccine. More than antivax, the immunocompromised are also over-represented in intensive care rooms. How many of them will live till the end of the year? They rely on collective responsibility, not the health Darwinism of antivax, to get out of living epidemics.

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The waking ideology wants to dismantle our idols, the anti-axe movement wants to defame the scientific consensus and the words of the greatest researchers of our country. When immunologist and President of the Scientific Council Jean-François Delfresi highlights the loss of vaccine effectiveness over time and underlines the interest of booster doses, it is too much for Antivax, which uses its word for ambiguous people. like to protest. The plateau lawyer, whose sophisticated and conspiratorial speeches present vaccination as submissive sheep, is sent to the slaughterhouse by “Big Pharma”.

This fundamental right has been taken away from them: they enter into resistance. Rest in peace Jean Moulin! your succession is assured

A cornerstone of anti-axe discourse, belief in post-truth and systematic recourse to theatrics eventually combine to present the general public’s attention with imaginary scandals that must rise up against it. Vaccination passes, which state access to a certain number of places and public programs for vaccination, would thus establish a “health apartheid” (Michelle Rivasi, MEP EELV), undermining the “democratic principles of the republic” ( Matthew Schlama, columnist) and will inaugurate France’s entry into an “totalitarian regime” (Fabrice Di Visio, lawyer in public health law). Whether by shopper’s calculated or sincere babble, they have invested themselves with a higher mission: to protect their freedom to consume at all costs and to enjoy non-stop wherever possible before the pandemic. This fundamental right has been taken away from them: they enter into resistance. Rest in peace Jean Moulin! Your succession is assured. With the small difference that the vaccine’s resistance fighters are called “Freedom!” No need to hide to shout. » On the television set, no doubt in tribute to William Wallace, this Scottish hero sacrificed on the altar of British tyranny, which was made telegenic by Mel Gibson.

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In Origin of authoritarianism (1951), Hannah Arendt specifically described the system of totalitarian state surveillance which establishes a generalized suspicion among the population to thwart any dispute and establish its ideology. The gurus of the anti-axe movement have made this skepticism the mainstay of their rhetoric. It is far more effective to dispel fear than to show a fact. And attacking the untruth doesn’t matter: published corrections and “debunking” by scientists and journalists never come up for discussion.

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The following is Guru Philippot’s final slogan to his followers: The authorities will hide a proven link between vaccination against COVID-19 and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. To support these suspicions, some also recall the intermediary scandal, which led to the condemnation of Server Laboratories. It doesn’t matter to them that they contradict the public statements of pulmonologist Irene Frachon, the whistleblower of the arbitral case who is committed to vaccination and who this summer praised the transparency of the National Medical Protection Agency. Kovid 19 Vaccines. Every twelve months, chestnut trees bloom in the press, inviting its readers to learn the lessons of the year that has just passed. We can already write about 2022: “The lesson of the antivax movement for a society exposed to a recurrence of the risk of systemic crisis”. It will discuss the consequences of the impact of anti-national discourse and the place of activists of an individualism who deny any hindrance to their personal enjoyment during a setback as unpredictable as the presence of a pandemic. The latter revealed an increasingly interdependent and increasingly confrontational world.

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It is now appropriate to prepare our state of mind, our lifestyle, and our economy for the emergence of new shocks of climate, energy, financial or military origin (the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces refers to the French military as already “high-intensity warfare”. risk of”). But if the minority shamelessly threatens the existence of the majority, what will we do to address the more serious collective threats from the current pandemic?


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