Cop26, the United Nations chooses an Italian startup for sustainable living

Cop26, the United Nations chooses an Italian startup for sustainable living

An app to guide us permanent dealings, especially in view of the United Nations Climate Conference, cop26. is called one WorldIt was developed by the Italian startup of the same name and selected by the United Nations as Official application to support Campagna Act Now against the climate crisis. On the other hand, apps and campaigns are wonderful: the second goal is to promote small daily tasks that each of us can put into practice in our daily lives. “Each of us can help limit global warming and take care of our planet – Explain the United Nations -. By making choices that have a less harmful impact on the environment, we can be part of the solution and effect change.“. The platforms of these functions are a Chatbots and Apps, launched a year ago, thanks to which they are registered so far over four million From small to large individual options.

Reaching the UN was not easy: the desire to change the current situation, the determination and the certainty to succeed, must be greater than the fear of not succeeding – explains Alessandro Lancieri, 44-year-old co-founder and technology manager of Aworld, a wired -. We tried and we succeeded: in September 2019 we held a pivotal meeting for our future with Martina Donlan, UN Global Communications Manager. After hearing the vision and project we had in mind, he officially invited us to form a partnership with the Secretariat. Right then the United Nations was looking for a tool to do exactly what we were proposing, and that’s where it all started. AWorld thus becomes the official app supporting the ActNow campaign against climate change

AWorld. Alessandro Lancieri, 44, co-founder and technology manager of

How does the app work?

It aims to serve as a guide for people to accompany them towards sustainability, raising awareness and encouraging active citizenship. The core message is that you don’t need to make radical choices to be an activist and hit the streets or be a little more sustainable than you were before: just start with the things you have the most control over, that is, your daily choices. and lifestyle…”Aworld – because there is no Planet B – allows you to suggest and explore a range of sustainable habits, showing the impact of each person’s CO2, water and electricity savings. – explains Lancieri, who founded the startup with Marco Armelino, 1977, also Alessandro Armillota (1986) – To achieve our goals we have created a real method called impact linkage, which is based on the integration of three macro-phases: Awareness, Engagement and Influence (measurement). The app also uses gamification To encourage and engage users in educational content, impact measurement and interaction with a community

Screenshot of AWorld app

Anthony Boyd Graphics

The app also includes immersive experiences called Journeys, Habits and Challenges. are the first thematic trips composed of interactive episodes (inspirational lessons and videos) that tackle important issues related to the Sustainable Development Goals; At the end of each episode the user can test his knowledge through quizzes and surveys and decide to receive daily tips based on news, events and weekly topics and tips on the topic of sustainability with advice. On the other hand, habits are sustainable daily habits Suggested by the app, which the user can record to feel how important each single action can be. Finally, through various challenges – real and fair group challenges The community gathers to work together, challenge and collaborate to achieve a specific savings goal. In the Community section, the user can participate in existing teams or create new teams to challenge each other and see the total impact of the collective action. In addition, since last September, the functionality has been activated eworld events, with which to organize activities and moments of action to protect the planet.

A year after the official launch date, AWorld has reached staggering levels – Explains the co-founder -. Huh a 100 thousand downloads worldwide, nearly four million registered habits and the new “Events and Actions” feature that has made it possible to launch a global challenge not only to save the planet, but also to connect those who care about its safety. The content we offer is written through a simple storytelling and in the context of each one’s daily experiences. We expect this type of training to be able to bring about a conscious change in people’s life choices, with them leading to a style that is in line with sustainability-related issues.

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A gathering of ordinary people from around the world will make their proposal to COP26

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On the occasion of COP26, which will begin in Glasgow on 1 November, AWorld has launched a challenge: to commit together a million individual actions to protect the planet. Many small single gestures that, when combined with others, can make a difference. is called One Million Action Challenge, was proposed in early September and is aimed at companies, institutions, organizations and individuals with the aim of achieving one million positive actions for people and the planet. In addition, in keeping with the always important Scottish event, the startup organized a discussion table and detailed concrete proposals by companies, scientists, activists, changemakers, culminating on 24 October as a “Road to Cop 26” day of reflection. happened in Access a programmatic document. “The proposal that AWorld will submit to the United Nations during the COP26 talks to be held in Glasgow from Sunday 31 October will revolve around the regeneration of biodiversity and Creating marine protected areas by 2030 – says the Lancers -. Then a f. the construction ofsingle global world Where businesses can communicate with institutions and properly target funds to combat climate change; introduction to one Carbon Pricing System CO2 . to attribute an economic value to With the aim of helping companies and states to monitor and adapt their strategy to potential risks and opportunities related to the transition to a low-carbon economy

Screenshot of AWorld app

Anthony Boyd Graphics

But one app is really enough To change everyday attitudes regarding sustainability? “The many apps we use every day have changed the way we look at things, interact and communicate – concludes the co-founder -. OrToday we have the opportunity to share our daily life pieces at any time: a homemade dessert, personal successes or moments that we consider important, available to our friends directly on their smartphones. so why not share ethical and sustainable behavior? We know that it is not easy to change your lifestyle and find your way through low cost opportunities, convenience of few services or simply a habit.. Aworld tries to help at this stage: if you don’t know where to start, you’ll find one on the app 34 Permanent Habits List One to always have on hand and so that you can start improving your ecological footprint and your impact.

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