“Donald Trump is an enemy of the Constitution, and no honest person can deny that anymore”

White House spokesman Andrew Bates responded directly, saying that Trump’s remarks “should be universally condemned. “You just can’t love America when you win,” Bates said in a statement. “The Constitution of the United States is a sacred document that for more than 200 years has ensured that liberty and the rule of law prevail in our great country. The Constitution unites the American people – regardless of party – and the elected leaders Let’s take an oath to uphold it. It is the ultimate monument to all Americans who gave their lives to defeat selfish autocrats who abused their power and trampled on basic rights. Andrew Bates writes.

Liz Cheney, a Republican representative from Wyoming and an outspoken opponent of Trump, condemned Trump’s statement on Sunday. According to him, Donald Trump’s statement “His approach was already in place on January 6 (Editor’s note: the day of the storming of the Capitol by his supporters who did not accept the election defeat) and the rest of today.

“No honest person can deny that Trump is an enemy of the Constitution.”Added Liz Cheney, who is also the deputy chairman of the Special Committee of the House of Representatives to investigate the attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

come after the publication of Trump’s statement “Twitterphiles”. Journalist Matt Taibbi revealed in a series of tweets what he claims were the contents of an internal Twitter conversation at the time of the censorship of an article by the social network. new york post On the contents of the computer of Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden, in October 2020, three weeks before the US election.

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