Donald Trump moves on to 2020 as the coronavirus approaches him

Trump meets with military leaders. No one wears a mask
Throughout Saturday afternoon, in an attempt to raise concerns among his supporters, he tweeted unfounded suspicions about potential voter fraud in mail-order and in-person voting in a special California congressional election Tuesday. His focus on counting votes came two days after meeting with political advisors to refine their strategy to take up aggressive legal challenges to democratic efforts to move on to mail-order voting in the fall.

It was the latest test of how the 2020 presidential election is slowly taking shape at a time when both candidates are off the track and America is still gripped by fears about the pandemic and its alarming economic and human budget.

Obama defines Trump’s coronavirus response as “chaotic disaster”

Former President Barack Obama emerged, perhaps involuntarily, as a new force in shaping the democratic case against Trump after being silent for many months (and impartial during the Democratic primary, even though Joe Biden was his vice president).
During a private call with former helpers who worked in his administration on Friday evening, Obama described the Trump administration’s handling of the crisis as “an absolute chaotic disaster”. In a 30-minute phone call with members of the Obama Alumni Association, the former president said the pandemic reinforced the need for strong leadership in the White House.
“This election that is coming – at all levels – is so important because what we are going to fight is not just a particular individual or political party,” Obama said at the appeal, which was first reported by Yahoo News, who got an audio recording. “What we are fighting against are these long-term tendencies in which to be selfish, to be tribal, to be divided and to see others as enemies – it has become a stronger impetus in American life.”

In response to reports, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said in a statement that “Trump’s coronavirus response has been unprecedented and has saved American lives.”

“There has been a bipartisan recognition of President Trump’s leadership, and the American people have noticed,” said McEnany.

Biden also honed his thesis against Trump on Friday, when the United States published its worst job report in history with 14.7% unemployment. Biden is increasingly trying to tie the Trump administration’s slow and firm response to the virus to the economic catastrophe it has created. Biden’s aggressive posture comes at a time when she is battling the groundless claims of her former Senate assistant Tara Reade, who accused Biden of sexually assaulting her in 1993. Biden has unequivocally denied the accusation.

After the new data came out on Friday, showing 20.5 million jobs lost in April, Biden launched strong criticism of Trump’s economy – which he said was leaning towards the wealthy and powerful before the pandemic – claiming that income disparity only widened during the crisis as job losses disproportionately affect low-income Americans. Pointing to these disparities, Biden also sought to highlight Republican efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act at a time when it states that Americans need health care most.

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“Covid is the game that has kindled the fire. But Donald Trump has spent the past three years fueling, igniting and undermining the fundamental pillars of our economic strength,” Biden said during a virtual fundraiser with California Governor Gavin Newsom and former Obama adviser David Plouffe on Friday evening.

“Yes, many small businesses have closed because of Covid, but the reason why many will not open is because, in the past three years, Donald Trump has put America very wealthy and corporate aside, and presented plans without” no constraints, no supervision, no responsibility, “Biden said.

Battle for the ballot box

Armed with a huge war chest for the November elections, Trump and his allies are pouring their efforts into voter contacts and moving the whole operation into the virtual realm. In a column on Last week, Trump’s political director, Chris Carr, noted that the operation of the GOP campaign shifted his focus “from a traditional, face-to-face operation on the ground to a completely virtual operation.”

Carr said that Trump Victory, the joint field effort between Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee, now has 800 paid employees in 23 states. They are training around 2 million volunteers through the “Trump Victory Leadership Initiative” which teaches volunteers to become organizers in their communities.

“Over the past six weeks, our team has made over 20 million voter contacts and involved over 1 million volunteers across the country. In addition, over 31,000 Americans have used tools like to register to vote or receive an absentee vote, “Carr said in his column. “The move to a virtual campaign has been seamless.”

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At the same time, Trump and his allies are marshaling their forces to challenge the growing moves of some key states to switch to mail voting systems in the midst of a pandemic, as reported by CNN Abby Phillip. The RNC has doubled its initial spend of $ 10 million to fight legal battles by vote by mail to $ 20 million.
Newsom entered that debate on Friday when it announced that California will send a vote to each of the state’s 20.6 million voters as the November election approaches, to ease concerns about the security of the vote in person. With his executive order, the Democratic governor made California the first state to adopt this approach in general elections during the pandemic.
All California voters will receive the mail-order vote for the November election, but the vote in person will remain

Newsom said that the vote in person will still take place and asked state officials to put together a plan that details how California can do it safely.

Trump appeared to link that Newsom’s action to expand voter participation in an effort by local Los Angeles county officials to expand participation in Tuesday’s special elections in California’s 25th district, a key district that includes Santa Clarita and parties. of the surroundings of San Fernando and Antelope valleys.
Former representative Katie Hill, a Democrat who launched the district in 2018, resigned last fall amid accusations of having improper relationships with staff.

On Sunday, Trump reiterated his support for Republican candidate Mike Garcia, stating that the former Navy fighter pilot had his “full and total support”.

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The president also tried to raise concerns about voter fraud by suggesting that a decision by Los Angeles County election officials to add an additional in-person voting center in the district – in the different city of Lancaster – would somehow “rigged” the elections favor democrats.

“So in California, the Democrats, who fought like crazy to get all the mail just in the vote, and they succeeded, have just opened a polling booth in the most democratic area of ​​the state. They are trying to steal another election. It’s all rigged there. These votes don’t count. SCAM! “Trump tweeted Saturday.

Numerous aspects of Trump’s tweet were actually inaccurate. Far from being democratically secure, California’s 25th district is one of the most disputed chamber districts in the country and there is no credible evidence of voter fraud.

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On March 20, Newsom ordered state electoral officials to send all voters a mail-order vote for the May 12 special election, a step intended to encourage participation while voting was also allowed in a number of voting centers. open for person voting throughout Los Angeles County.

On Friday, Los Angeles County Chancellor Dean Logan announced that an additional in-person voting site would be added to Lancaster to remedy the fact that those voters did not have walk-in sites in the immediate area. The request to add the voting center, Logan said in a press release, came from Republican Mayor R. Rex Parris of Lancaster.

Trump sought to sow confusion in a series of tweets, appearing to blame Newsom for a decision that was under the jurisdiction of local election officials.

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“The Governor @GavinNewsom of California will not leave restaurants, beaches and shops open, but installs a voting system in a highly democratic area (it should only be put to the vote) because our great candidate, @ MikeGarcia2020, is winning a lot. CA25 Rigged Election! “Trump tweeted Saturday afternoon, once again misleading the political composition of the district and Newsom’s role, and suggesting that Tuesday’s election is a ballot election – it is not.

“Transform your grades now and follow them, observing dishonesty,” Trump warned on Twitter last month. “Report to law enforcement.”

Promoting this type of suspicion will clearly be a long-standing theme for Trump this year as he tries to name Democrats as a corrupt party. But his desire to oversee the election was another example of politically motivated distraction for the President at a time when Americans are struggling with staggering economic losses and a virus that has killed over 78,000 people since Saturday night.


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