Dress anyway, the new trend to woo teens

Dress anyway, the new trend to woo teens

a crazy look

It’s the new back-to-school fashion craze: the ‘look of’weird girl‘ is going viral on Instagram. The Music of the Movement: The Hadid Sisters or Rihanna, to name but a few. To begin with, the goal is to do whatever comes to mind, without worrying about matching or harmonizing clothing. We overload with XXL shoes and we dare all possible and imaginable gold, silver, vintage, stone or backlit jewelry. We wear a dress or skirt over jeans again (yes, you read that right). We mix a touch of vintage with hand-knit knits, materials and prints, and XXL jeans on Buffalo type sneakers. To punctuate the look: A big scarf or hat, a balaclava and fluorescent glasses: In short, you can never do too much. The trend delights young people and annoys their parents, who find it difficult to follow the concept, we can understand it. But let them be assured, they haven’t failed in their education, it’s just a crazy instinct that excites teenagers.

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where is he from?

From the streets, of course, to social media stars and the recent turmoil in the fashion world. Teen fashionistas today begin with the essential principle that we dress to be comfortable, to assert ourselves and not to fit in a box. Style ‘come as you Are‘ Leads. We no longer try to elevate her silhouette, we play with her look, it is fundamental. This trend of not wearing clothes at your waist and above all, this trend has been worn for a few seasons by highly trendy brands like Balenciaga. This way of dressing is also independently inspired by the grunge movement of the late 90s and the famous wave Y2K (Translation: The year 2000, or 2000s fashion in the Spice Girls). As a color complement, with a little craziness made in Japan As seen in Japan’s Harajuku district, a hotbed for crazy Japanese fashion.
This Y2K-influenced fashion is therefore maximalist, playful, colorful, and it’s also reminiscent of some of the punk looks of the mid-’70s. Most important will tell you you will swear these young men are wearing black but don’t listen to them, they just have to get used to it.

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How do we wear it?

want to let myself be carried away by the flow” Weird ยป, so put aside your prejudices and dare whatever comes to your mind. Remember that everything happens to everything, if that’s what you decide to do. And what’s interesting is that you can add to it slowly, simply by wearing a polka dot top over plaid pants; To start… mix a rock jacket and corduroy, sequins and sportswear, a football shirt under a cocktail dress, then let yourself be carried away…

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