European final, La Lega dei Ticinisi: “We support England. And if Italy wins, we don’t want a carousel in Switzerland”

European final, La Lega dei Ticinisi:

It is indeed a challenge that divides Europe (geographically, at least) that will be played between Italy and England at Wembley tonight.

This is demonstrated by the abundant positions taken by the various newspapers of the continent, graphically also very eloquent.

For example, the cover of the Scottish newspaper The National has already caused a stir, which dedicated its front page to the image of Roberto Mancini in the Braveheart edition, as Mel Gibson in the famous film, painting his face in blue and white. I went. The Colours of Scotland: “Save us Roberto, you are our … the last hope!”.

The explanatory subtitle is the following: “We could not bear them being beaten for 55 years”.

Today, very close to the Italian border, comes the front page of the Mattino della Domenica, the weekly of Lega dei Ticinisi (which began, as is well known, with little sympathy for tricolor and blue).

On the cover, there is a photomontage on the body of an English national team player with the face of Queen Elizabeth rejoicing after a goal. On the ground, however, another footballer, in a gloomy posture, clearly in a blue-Italy jersey, with the face of the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, “mounted”. In short, two birds with one stone for the newspaper of the League of Ticino: the hope of defeat for the never-loving Italy as well as the attack on the equally hated politico-institutional Europe.

nail’In accompanying editorial, Lorenzo Quadri explains: “European Union Commission President Ursula” Couch” von der Leyen and European Council President Charles Michel (Charles Hu?) chuck them from the rooftops: they will cheer for the beautiful country in tonight’s European final, dare Brittany Have turn your back on the bailiffs of Brussels (unheard disgrace to the arrogance of some naught!) and then Boris Johnson is ugly and evil, gné gné gné! On the other hand, we, but look little, please England!”.

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“And now, don’t let anyone come up with the usual nonsense about alleged “anti-Italian racism” – explains Quadri – even though we have many valid reasons for dissatisfaction with neighbors to the south like Ticino. But that’s not the point. is: we will please England, even if the opposing team is France, Germany, Spain etc. We care about England as a country that dares to send arrogant Eurobelives for a walk, to the hysterical and intolerant Eurolechina race exposes that, even in our latitudes, deserves all our support, and deserves to pave the way for unsuccessful disinformation. In politics, but also in sports and in every other field!”.

“And if our football wish is not fulfilled this evening, it is clear that we expect the Italian fans to respect public order and remain calm at night (see the famous “carousel”) – the conclusion is – who crazy joy After his national team’s victory, he can go to his country and do so. Avoid building huts in our country.”


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