European, Roberto Mancini became a national hero in Scotland

European, Roberto Mancini became a national hero in Scotland

Edinburgh Roberto Mancini also became a national hero in Scotland. The national team coach being compared to before William Wallace On the eve of the Euro 2020 final, he now becomes “Roberto the Bruce”, i.e. Robert the BruceOne of Scotland’s greatest kings, as well as one of the greatest warriors of his time. in the newspaper ‘The National’, which had already changed the blue selector to Brave, on the front page mancini Appears on the plane with a copy of the newspaper and is associated with Bruce in the title.

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by our correspondent Antelo Guerrera

Someone offered honorary citizenship to Mancini

In addition, in the same newspaper there is room for provocations, ideas, proposals from Scottish fans. like the one associated with the independence of the state: “Let’s see if mancini It would approve a second independence referendum”. On the other hand, someone else has proposed granting Scottish honorary citizenship to the coach of the national team for services rendered to Scotland and a petition has also been started for this purpose: in fact, their Italy has given Scotland itself. Save is allowed. “The next 55 years in which England will be talking about winning the Cup”.

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