European Scotland would like to be able to live in Erasmus, but it is not possible for Brussels

European Scotland would like to be able to live in Erasmus, but it is not possible for Brussels

giulia manic
February 17, 2021 at 11:42 am

Scotland is the nation of the United Kingdom that has been the most opposed to Brexit, and now wants to be able to have at least one foot in the EU, and certainly wants to follow the program most favored by young people: Erasmus . But unfortunately it will not be possible. President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, argued that Edinburgh would no longer be a part of the EU student exchange program because, as a “constituent nation” of the UK, it could not participate autonomously and independently. With divorce from Brussels, British Premier boris johnson He decided to withdraw from the program as it was considered “too expensive”, but his choice led to the dismay of the Scottish President, nicola sturgeon, according to which “the termination of Britain’s participation in Erasmus is cultural vandalism by the British Government.”

looking for solution

as he tells politicianPresident von der Leyen’s decision comes after a letter signed in January by at least 145 MEPs coordinated by the Germans. terry rintke, of the Greens, who asked the commission to allow Scotland and Wales to remain in Erasmus+, citing a “clear aspiration” on the part of the two decentralized administrations. Von der Leyen said that maria gabriel, the European Commissioner for Education and Research had met his Scottish counterpart Richard Lochhead and “were eager to explore options for Scottish participation in the programme.” But in his reply to MEPs, the commission’s chairman said the only way for a country to re-participate within the UK is to join the nation “as a whole” in the project. A full support for the United Kingdom Erasmus+ program, with standard financial contributions reserved for third countries who wish to participate, but after a year of negotiations with the British government, London has decided to withdraw,” he said. Explained. According to Reintke, who participated in the Erasmus+ program with an exchange in Edinburgh during his studies, MEPs will organize a debate on the issue in the European Parliament. “We will continue to find out whether Scotland and Wales on Erasmus How can you live,” he tweeted.

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new english program

Following the exit of the Erasmus+ programme, the British government has launched its own national university exchange program which will be named after the British IT pioneer. alan turing. The project is expected to replace the European program with an initial funding of £100 million. alex ore, told by the political advisor to the Scottish European Movement Scottish independence magazine The National That “a replacement with a national program would never be able to replicate the wealth of opportunities for all young people, or increase the mutual benefit similar to the Erasmus programme”, for this reason he asked the European Commission on his position. called for reconsideration.


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