Europe’s committee wants to deepen cooperation with Scotland

Europe's committee wants to deepen cooperation with Scotland

Scotland will elect a new parliament in May and the Scottish National Party SNP currently heads the elections. It wants to return to the European Union. With an independent Scotland, without the United Kingdom – but in close partnership with Bavaria.

This was confirmed by SNP politician Joan McAlpine, who was the guest of the European Committee of Parliament. There MEPs were open to the EU’s withdrawal in Scotland, including free vote by committee chairman Tobias Gotthard: “If the Scots want to, the Scots should also have a chance to return to the European Union.”

Rinderspace: Return depends on many conditionals

European policy spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group, Marcus Rinderspace, Scotland’s return to the EU is still fraught with questions: “When Scott declares he wants to become a member of the European Union after holding an independence referendum” And finally, London agrees, so we would certainly welcome it if the Scots were too close to Europe or even members of the European Union. “

Bom: See the United Kingdom as a community

On the other hand, AfD MP Martin Böhm is a critic of independent Scotland: “We see the United Kingdom as a community and I doubt whether it will be so good for the future of this federation when the United Kingdom separates itself”

Regional Parliaments have a shared history

For this reason, Bavaria will initially rely on close cooperation over the next few years and will also refer to their shared history.

The Scottish Regional Parliament was established in 1998. At the time, the Bavarian State Parliament made its rules of procedure available as a blueprint – and has since been regarded as the godfather of parliament in Edinburgh.

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Historical relations that have become even more important since Brexit. Gothard, the chairman of the committee, emphasized this. The Scots have made their European orientation clear in recent years, and now they want to deal with topics such as artificial intelligence or innovations in agriculture, according to Gothard in the future.

“Every upheaval is also a new beginning. And since we are a strong partner, this is really an opportunity to build something new on the ruins that Brexit left behind.” (Tobias Gothard, Free Voters)

Scottish MP McAlpine is also counting on a fresh start when Great Britain has withdrawn from the European Exchange Program for Students’ Erasmus Plus.

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Scotland will also benefit from Erasmus – Bavaria back, SPD politician Rinderspacter explained: “There are over 150,000 EU students in Great Britain who are currently facing the question: Hmm, studying on the island is more expensive and it Will be more difficult and it is good if we advocate in the immediate sphere of influence. “

Support is also coming from the Greens. When it comes to Erasmus, cooperation with European partners is visible directly to the citizens of Bavaria, with Florian Siekmann stating: “Great Britain and Scotland are here in Bavaria as the most popular for schoolchildren, students and trainees One of the sights. Here is a whole. Want to maintain close contact. “

The European Committee in a resolution outlined close ties in the state parliament. For Gothard, the chairman of the committee, the cornerstone of a long-term partnership has been renewed – despite or perhaps Brexit.

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