Fantastic Guests and Premieres at the Giffoni Film Festival

Fantastic Guests and Premieres at the Giffoni Film Festival

“Showing what remains in the shadows today, exposing and raising thousands of children and adolescents who are imperceptible to society”: this is the theme chosen by the Giffoni Film Festival for its 52nd edition, which took place from 21 to 30 Scheduled for July.

Presenting this year’s billboard inside the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, the historic event dedicated to children has already worked on a large scale. Producer and founder Claudio Gubitosi commented that this “will be the best Italy, and beyond, which we will see and hear at Giffoni in the days to come. […] Quality as well as quantity of many social activities. Always a strong bond with your audience. Listening to our young people and the answers they expect from us”: his voice was joined by the voice of General Manager Jacopo Gubitosi, who outlined how “Giffoni re-opens to its jurors, who give substance to an idea.” Let’s say, since 52 years, the heartbeat of millions of generations has been accelerating. It is the version of openness to others, of willingness to meet. It is no coincidence that our carpet has also been refurbished in this edition. It has the shape of a hug”.

Most Anticipated of Giffoni Film Festival 2022

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From body positivity to otherworldly pursuits, transition to adulthood, delicate topics such as bulimia, anorexia and multiple sclerosis: these are themes that will feature 118 works in the competition, as well as a hybrid of the environmental and climate change enrichment programme. Roop Hoga: For those who cannot be physically at the festival, a selection of films in the competition will be available on MYmovies, which can be watched live streaming.


Among the previews, a special mention goes to “Brian and Charles”, a film that hits theaters on August 24 and focuses on the delicate relationship between a man and a robot who is called upon to help fight loneliness. was. The program will also feature Paolo Ruffini’s new film “Ragazzacio”, Andrea Porporati’s “Rosanero” starring Salvatore Esposito, and the children’s animated feature film “DC League of Super-Pets”. The special events, instead, are a launch-homage to “ET – The Extraterrestrial” for its forty years and the July 22 meeting is dedicated to the highly anticipated, new Netflix series titled “Everything Asks for Salvation”: director Francesco Bruni. , together with the protagonist Federico Cesari and the author of the novel of the same name by Daniele Mencarelli, he will meet with the young jury members to tell about this interesting project. Also high hopes for “Minions 2 – How Gru Becomes Despicable,” a sequel to the huge success that hits theaters on August 18th.

most anticipated guest

The names of several celebrities who will guest at Giffoni are Lunetta Savino, Beatrice Granny, Micaela Ramazzotti, Maya Sansa, Chiara Muti, Swami Rotolo and Laura Morante, along with actresses. Among Italians, there are also significant male appearances such as Filippo Scotti (who became famous for the starring role in “It’s the Hand of God” by Paolo Sorrentino), another emerging actor such as Eduardo Scarpetta, the famous director Gabriele Manetti, ‘actor and television presenter. Ludovico Tersigni and even Sergio Rubini. July 28 will be Gary Oldman’s great day, receiving François Truffaut 2022, the festival’s most prestigious award.

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