Fugatti meets the Mayor of Lucerne: “Paying attention to mountain communities”

Fugatti meets the Mayor of Lucerne:

The possibilities of community living in the mountains, infrastructure, Municipality and administrative services staff Can be protected because they are “A flywheelFor local economy.

Still school, activities for families, Coaling project Beginning with Itia to attract new energies to localism, forgetting the patronage of linguistic minorities and Transmission of Symbian language and culture to new generation.

Several topics – united by the common thread of local development – that were addressed at the meeting at the headquarters of the autonomous province of Trento President Maurizio Fugatti, and Mayor of Lucerne, Gianni Nicolucci Ziga.



The mayor drew attention to the issues most relevant to the administration of the municipality and its residents, while the president confirmed the council’s attention to the community Cimbury Highlands.

Talked about the meeting Need guaranteed quality services, With the personnel required for the purpose and also to overcome the rigor of the associated management model.

Small municipalities, especially in areas of linguistic minorities such as Lucerne, are the first point of reference for their community, the first body for which the population turns to services which are a driving force for local development. – These are the words of Nicolusi ZaigaIf an entrepreneur wants to open a business and does not get the answer to the practice, there is a risk that he will walk away. Or more commonly that people born in Lucerne, due to lack of adequate services, migrate elsewhere. Even small municipalities should have dignity and autonomy.



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The provincial administration and council are close to the Lucerne community and carefully follow issues related to its citizenshipFingerprint specified. Among the various priorities to be noted, the President focused on the importance of school services and summer activities offered to the families of Lassern.

Pay attention to school activities Symbian language for children of Lucerne, To preserve the transmission of the cultural heritage of the Cimbri Highlands to new generations.

Meanwhile, the calling project continues, which saw the settlement of the families Accommodation provided by ItiaIn an initiative promoted byProvincial Agency for Family, Birth Rate and Youth Policies. The Mayor said that the integration and coexistence of new arrivals is progressing positively.

Is the theme of Health and Traffic Services, With connections from Valasugana to Lucerne.




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