GB On 6 May, a vote is taken for the renewal of the Parliaments of Wales and Scotland.

  GB  On 6 May, a vote is taken for the renewal of the Parliaments of Wales and Scotland

by Alberto Galvik

On 6 May we will vote for the Parliaments of Wales and Scotland. In the latter case, voters would choose the 129 members of Holyrood, established in 1999, to legislate on issues that cover most aspects of daily life, such as education, health and transportation.
On the other hand, the UK Parliament at Westminster can pass laws on confidential matters, which usually have international or British influence, such as defence, foreign policy and immigration.
Scottish National Party, Scottish Conservative Party, Scottish Greens Party, Scottish Liberal Democrat Party, ALBA, All for Unity, Freedom Alliance, Reform UK, Scottish Family Party and UK Independence Party.
The election campaign will likely be dominated by whether they want to hold another referendum on Scottish independence, and the Scottish National Party has already said it wants to vote after the Covid pandemic ends, if the election is another Freedom gives majority.
The Scottish Greens party also supports independence, but the Scottish Conservatives, Labor and Liberal Democrats are against it and say the country’s focus should be on recovering from the pandemic rather than on the constitution. Issues like health, education, environment and economy, which are among other issues most felt by voters at this stage, will play a major role during the election campaign.
On the other hand, in Wales, citizens will go to the polls to elect members of the Welsh Parliament, known as the Senad Cymru, which is the sixth election since its creation in 1999: they will elect 60 members, of whom 40 are elected. are members of the region. and 20 are regional. The Senade is a unicameral parliament.
The main parties competing for seats in the Welsh Parliament are the Welsh Labor Party, the Welsh Conservative Party, Plaid Cymru, Reform Party UK, Welsh Liberal Democrats Party, UK Independence Party in Wales, Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party, Propel, Communist Party of Great are Britain. Gwald and Wales Green Party.
The next Welsh government is required to pass legislation preventing people from being candidates in the Senate elections unless they have lived in Wales for three consecutive years prior to the election beginning in 2026.
At least 25 candidates for the 6 May election do not reside in Wales: 23 in England, one in Scotland and the other on the Isle of Man.
The Welsh Labor Party has been the largest Senedd party since its inception, winning between 26 and 30 seats in each election; He was also in government, in coalition or alone, during the transfer of 22 years. Leanne Wood of the Plaid Cymru Party has pledged to hold an independence referendum within the next five years. Wales voted to leave the European Union in the 2016 referendum and although most voters have not changed their mind, there has been a slight shift towards a pro-EU stance.
Whoever wins this election will face tensions between the central government and the regions, which will be destined to become even more autonomous.

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