In Scotland, a man is attacked by a seagull every day on the way home

In Scotland, a man is attacked by a seagull every day on the way home

Every day, Scotsman Callum Gow is attacked by a chimney, which is nestled atop the chimney. She waits patiently to get out of her car and then comes to “prick” him. He decides to film the scene.

Callum Go lives in Glasgow, Scotland, and says every day that a seagull will attack his house. He explains that this condition is daily and has been going on for weeks.

The young man posted on Twitter on July 15, a video in which he filmed himself during the attack. “Yes, the coronovirus has deteriorated, but do you have to live in fear of going home to your home because of the sea way ??” The young man writes

The Scotsman takes his courage in both hands and gets out of the car. A few steps further, in front of the house, the bird appears from the roof and flies in its direction. The seagull signals a loud cry and lightly touches the young man’s head. He was then seen running to the front door, bursting into position with laughter.

The tweet has been viewed more than 528,000 times and has over 22,000 likes. According to Scottish media, some of Callum Go’s neighbors have complained of frequent calls from other seagulls near their homes time limit. A situation that is spreading in Glasgow, certainly due to the increase in breeding of seagulls during imprisonment and the conservation of nesting of chickens.


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