James Murdoch says he left his father’s news empire because he legitimizes ‘disinformation’

James Murdoch says he left his father's news empire because he legitimizes 'disinformation'

James Murdoch left News Corp’s board because of disagreements over how the decision was made, arguing that great news organizations “should not cast doubt, should obscure the fact.”

In an interview with New York Times, Mr Murdoch elaborated in a statement he gave earlier this year when his father left Rupert Murdoch’s company, expressing his discomfort from the toxins in Fox News and other company-owned media.

In July, he said he was leaving because of disagreements over certain editorial content and some other strategic decisions published by the company’s news outlets.

Mr Murdoch said: “I have come to the conclusion that you can worship the contest of ideas, if you will, and we will all, and that is important. But it should not be in a way to hide the agenda.

“The contest of ideas should not be used to legitimize opposition. And I think it’s often taken advantage of. And I think that in great news organizations, the mission should really present the fact to spread suspicion – not to sow doubt, a vague fact if you do. “

Mr Murdoch explained that he was increasingly uncomfortable with his position on the board and that “it is not difficult to remove myself and make some sort of cleaner slate decision”.

Mr Murdoch, and his older brother Lachlan, both showed contempt for Roger Ailes during his tenure at Fox News, but were unable to change the network’s focus and direction after Mr Ailes’ departure in 2016.

Mr Murdoch and his wife, Catherine, have both expressed frustration over News Corp.’s Trump administration and coverage of climate change in the past.

His foundation supports the Quadrivium, Voter Participation, Democratic Reform and Climate Change projects.

This Times Reports that in the 2020 election cycle he has donated to Pete Battingig and J Biden to 23 1.23 million (40940,000), which he wants to vote for next month.


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